wisconsin vs. binghamton

<p>im a international student and got admitted to both binghamton and wisconsin.</p>

<p>so, in terms of the career prospective, which is more prestiguous?</p>

<p>im kind confused now cos binghamton has such lower tuition fee for OOS student!</p>

<p>If it weren't for the money, you should definitely go to UW-Madison. It's higher ranked academically and provides a great college experience. But the money is a complicating factor.</p>

<p>I totally agree with greenblue. uw-madison, seems to be far more prestigious, however, out-of-state tuition cost is considerably low in Binghamton..</p>

<p>I think that UW-Madison has a better reputation nationally and certainly greater breadth of programs than Binghamton. However, I predict that the reputation of Binghamton will rise rapidly because of the increased selectivity in admissions caused, in large measure, by the economy. (My D was accepted to UW and U-Mich but wait listed at Binghamton.)<br>
There are many non-academic advantages in Wisconsin because of the fact that it is a Big 10 school with strong school spirit. As a college town, Madison beats Binghamton handily. However, your question was limited to future career opportunity. In this regard, if you are looking for graduate school or professional school placement, I would be very surprised if the proportion of grad/prof school placement differs much between the two schools. (By the way, I am a SUNY-B grad who went on to attend law school.)</p>