With all due respect

<p>With all due respect , I think you all should be a little more understanding and respectful towards students who haven’t had perfect high school experiences, and come here looking for advice. Every student does not have a 4.2 gpa and a 36 ACT, but please keep in mind, many of these children are some of the brightest. They do not come here to be ridiculed and told they aren’t good enough. If that is all you have to say – why do you feel the need to post? I’d hate to assume some sort of gratification is felt from tearing someone down. </p>

<p>If this is not you , then the post does not apply to you. I’m not attacking anyone, I’m simply making note of what I have noticed. Most of you have been a great help to me. Use what you know to HELP not CRITICIZE. Nine times out of ten, we know what mistakes we’ve made, the odds we face, and the challenges we are up against for not fully applying ourselves in high school. However, we also know that the only way to move is forward. Mistakes in hindsight should be used as guidance, nothing more. </p>

<p>ROLL TIDE :)</p>