Withdrawn Policy....HELP

How harsh is the Withdrawn Policy…

Do they reject you if you have only one D in your senior transcript?


Anyone out there? hello?

“You fail to complete any current coursework, as indicated on your application, or you receive a grade below “C” in any of these courses. Please notify our office in writing if you must withdraw from any classes, or if you will receive any grade lower than a “C”.”.

so i would assume that you would need to write a letter to the office explaning why you got a grade lower than a “C”

I did the calculations of my average in my AP Calc class, and the final comes out as a C-. That is okay right? @Firecell

Also would getting a C in only one class and getting A’s and B’s in the rest is okay? The policy is so strict.

If some one can answer that will be great.


@Mallu1asa i do not know the specifics of the policy you need to call and ask someone