Women's Basketball?

<p>D’s campus visit is Friday of next week. She’ll be arriving late Thursday afternoon. I noticed that the women’s basketball team is playing Vanderbilt at home that evening. How are women’s sports at UA? Is there decent attendance at the games? I was thinking of suggesting that H and D go to the game, but I don’t want to do that if the stadium is likely to be a ghost town. Any thoughts? Does anyone know of anything else that might be going on the evening of either the 13th or 14th?</p>

<p>I don’t know how well attended the women’s B-Ball games are. However, that is the Friday of a 3 day weekend, so a good number of students will be leaving campus for community service weekends, ski trips, etc. However, since students will just be coming back to campus earlier that week, I don’t know what to expect (Bama doesn’t usually start spring semester this late). </p>

<p>And…it is Capstone Scholars Weekend, I don’t know if others will have the same idea. </p>

<p>My nephew is flying in for CSDay from Calif…He’s arriving Thursday and will leave Sunday. </p>

<p>I know we’ll be including some area stuff and visiting some of the off campus hangouts.</p>

<p>If anyone has any ideas…</p>

<p>I’ve been thinking of what would be best to show him on Friday and Sat night…</p>

<p>I wouldn’t be surprised if UA will be giving those attending CSD free tickets to the women’s basketball game. When I attended CSD a couple of years ago, we were given free tickets to the women’s gymnastics meet.</p>

<p>That’d be great if they did - the more crowded the game, the merrier as far as I’m concerned. But the game is Thursday and CSD is Saturday, so I’m not sure how many kids will be there already. I checked the athletic calendar and with the exception of the women’s basketball team, all teams are away from the 13th to the 15th. I suspect there will be a LOT of CSD folks in town on Friday night, though, if hotel bookings are any indication. I waited too long to make reservations and had to settle for my 3rd choice hotel.</p>

<p>mom2collegekids – is it OK not to go to the Capstone Scholars Weekend? We are so incredibly busy these days that we’re trying to avoid a lot of college-related travel (except where full-ride scholarships depend on it, e.g., interviews and such).</p>

<p>If you can make Capstone Scholars Weekend, great. However, it is perfectly fine to not attend, especially if you have already visited campus or are planning to visit later in the year. If your child has applied for CBH and/or Fellows, it would be good for them to meet with Dr. Sharpe (CBH) and Wellon (UFE) again, but it is not required.</p>

<p>My son said that some of the women’s sports do not enjoy strong attendance, including basketball. Gymnastics and softball, however, are quite popular. The teams are nationally ranked year in and year out.</p>

<p>As for not attending the CSD/weekend, my son did not attend. He had a district academic team tournament that weekend. He could not miss that.</p>

<p>Thanks momreads - that’s exactly the information I was looking for. Going to a sparsely attended basketball game would not put points into the plus column. Too bad the gymnastics team is out of town - I’m sure she would have enjoyed watching one of their meets.</p>

<p>M2CK - I’d love to hear what you decide to show your nephew over the weekend. D isn’t leaving Tuscaloosa until Saturday morning, so I’m on the lookout for something for she and H to do on Friday night.</p>