Hi! Has anyone used the product called Rejuvenate on their hardwood floors? If so can offer any feedback? Thank you!!!
I swear a fried used this on his kitchen cabinets…and said it was great. But that’s not a floor!
My next door neighbor in condo complex used it on his front door and says it helped improve appearance, but as @thumper1 says, not a floor. Door was not finished in same manner as a floor.
I haven’t used Rejuvenate, but did have luck with some Holloway House hardwood floor products. Now I just have porcelain tile, so don’t have any bottles to check product names. I recall using both a cleaner and a polish (maybe Quick Shine?) with good results.
Thank you! I will look into it!
We’ve used Weiman floor polish/restorer/cleaner and it works great. A process since you have to go through steps of cleaning etc before getting to the polish. Results looked like a new floor.