Woodbury University MBA

Woodbury University for an MBA . Please don’t mention tuition cost because that not one of my concerns. My main concern is job after graduation and internship opportunity. Also , does it really matter if the program is accredited by AACSB or does it make a difference ?

Check with the school’s career placement office about on campus recruiting to get an idea of who recruits and for what positions as well as for salary ranges and percentage of students who had full time offers by graduation.

Thanks , I will

AACSB matters to some employers, but not to most. But there are some employers that won’t hire you if your program wasn’t AACSB, period, end of story - and I’ve worked for several of them. Generally speaking, if a program is AACSB, it’s a very good thing.

Thank you so much brother, I really appreciate it @RoaringMice