<p>To appease all those who are perturbed the previous "wrod" association thread.</p>
<p>Yay !</p>
<p>Asian fangirls.</p>
<p>Jay Chou 10char</p>
<p>The Lion King</p>
<p>Pride! 10 char</p>
<p>Cocky 10char</p>
<p>harvard students</p>
<p>Indian doctors</p>
<p>curried babies</p>
<p>crack babies</p>
<p>cracked open baby heads</p>
<p>brain juice</p>
<p>bug juice (it was the 90s thread)</p>
<p>oo I love that show.</p>
<p>Arrested Development</p>
<p>CSI: Miami .</p>
<p>law and order</p>
<p>Serenity .</p>
<p>Wow! I had no idea this even existed lol, thanks for bringing it back up:)</p>