So I cannot live completely off of loans because that’s BS, and my parents do not have the financial capability to pay for all my expenses so therefore I NEED to work. From my calculations if I work 20hrs/ week that will be enough to cover expenses such as, cell phone, gas, food, a little extra for emergency saving, and half of my car payment and rent. The other half will come from the loan I plan on taking out.
I will be starting my 2nd year as a transfer into UF’s LA program taking design 1 and some other basic level introductory LA courses. I will be taking 17 credit hours Monday - Friday
On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have one class so I plan to work for 4 hrs on those days and then I’ll work Fri-Sun for the remaining hours summing up to 20 hrs/week. That’s not too crazy right?
I understand how much I will have to work and sacrifice but is there anyone who has been there done that?
Any advice for me?
Maybe a prayer or two?