Working Grads

Here are some examples of Western Michigan working grads on Broadway and National Tours (this list is by no means comprehensive):

Dayna Jarae Dantzler - Book of Mormon National Tour (also Color Purple Tour)

Tiffany Dissette - 50 Shades National Tour

Brian Martin- Bullets Over Broadway National Tour

Lexie Plath - Bullets Over Broadway National Tour

Matt Daily - Jersey Boys National Tour

Sandy Zwier - Ragtime National Tour (also Mamma Mia Tour, others…)

Russell Mernagh - *Ride the Cyclone/i

Eric Gutman - one man show, *From Broadway to Obscurity/i

Mikey Winslow - just wrapped On the Town on Broadway (also American Idiot, West Side Story, Wicked Tour)

Hannah Elless - recently wrapped up Godspell on Broadway (also Mamma Mia tour)

Brian Martin - recently closed Guys and Dolls National Tour (also Beauty and the Beast )

This is a really decent slew of alum
WMU is also cheaper after freshman year because you can get in state tuition. It also seems to be just as challenging and hard working as a program like CCM.

Too bad this doesn’t have more representation on these forms, seems underrated for all it has going for it.

Hannah Elless is now one of the leads in “Bright Star,” the new Steven Martin musical opening on Broadway.

Barbara Marineau and Marin Mazzie are two long-time alums who have achieved fame and fortune including numerous Broadway appearances, Tony nominations, etc. They are still consistently working - Barbara was in Gentleman’s Guide To Love & Murder and Marin was Anna in the Lincoln Center production of the King and I.