Workload at UC's

<p>can anyone, preferably those who go to the actual schools, give me a general but accurate outlook on the workload at the top 3 UC’s - UCLA, Berkeley, San Diego? i’d like to take into consideration how much sleep and free time i’ll have in college before making my decision. frequency of tests, hours of hw per night/week, etc would be helpful. I think I’m going to be a Psychology major, but I’m just looking for what seems to be average for a medium-difficulty major within letters and sciences (not engineering or anything extreme).</p>

<p>For you, I'd say UCSD. Humanities here aren't as competitive as they are at UCLA and Berkeley...which is a good thing if you like to relax.</p>

<p>College workload is all relative to your competition. You don't really have to do anything (besides taking exams and going to labs) if you don't want to. However, if you want to make the grades on a curved grading scale, then you have to beat others. So, the level of competition defines your workload. In that sense, UCSD is probably the choice for you. There, your competition is competent, but not overbearing like those of UCLA and Cal.</p>