World History Subject Test with new APWH:Modern

Will we see the number of students taking this plummet as the AP course no longer covers 25+% of what’s on the Subject Test?

I thought my D might take it, as this will be the only free June test date while she’s in HS (ARML is always the Sat. after Memorial Day - conflicts with SAT 5 of 7 years).

But with the lost alignment, she’ll probably move to the US History test with APUSH next year, if she takes a non-STEM test.

The old APWH course was not aligned with the Subject Test, and never claimed to be, so I’m not sure that the numbers will “plummet,” although they may decline.

For a test that covers pre-history to 1900+, I would think a course covering the same time period would be more valuable than one that stars at 1200CE. The specific content may not be aligned, but I find it hard to believe that studying the same time period would be of no help. Especially after reading prep books for all three.