<p>I second Josh B on that one.</p>
<p>I really wasn't trying to be rude to tawny...sorry if I came off that way.</p>
<p>But andrw313, maybe you should read some of your own posts in other threads. You're pretty disrespectful yourself.</p>
<p>you're mean and vicious andrw313</p>
<p>hey, my money is on jpps1 getting in (now, what can I do with 20 dollars...hmmmm)</p>
<p>Well, I did get into UofC last year, but ended up changing my mind and deciding to finish my pre-university schooling instead of leaving a year early.</p>
<p>andrw i recommend you get a life</p>
<p>just because you got a 2340 or whatever you got doesnt mean you are superior to everyone, although you might think so.</p>
<p>i agree with andrw</p>