Worst Fear Realized...Son is Struggling

<p>Words of wisdom, Calmomofthree… UA makes it easier than most schools to “trust the process” as we know our son is in great hands.</p>

<p>@xcitfan…we will look at Bama…we got great scholarship offer for OOS daughter, and now invite to apply Honors college…a little apprehensive of size of school, and the Southern culture which may be very different for a SoCal girl…I hope that when we visit her gut feeling will let er know whether it would be a good fit.</p>

<p>Southern culture which may be very different for a SoCal girl</p>

<p>As a SoCal girl myself (born and raised in Orange County - lived there for over 40 years)…your D will not experience some weird difference…unless it’s weird for her to be around friendly people…lol. </p>

<p>Southern Californians aren’t that different from Southerners (at least in my experience).</p>

<p>The title of this thread is so extreme…written just a few days into the semester. The beginning of a new school can often be an adjustment especially if the student didn’t participate in any/much of the Welcome activities WOW week, AA or OA.</p>

<p>At nearly all colleges, many new frosh party too much the first semester…the new freedom away from the parents can cause kids to either party too much or simply stay up too late with video games or friends. (that’s one reason I strongly advise against early classes for frosh).</p>

<p>bump…for all of you with HS seniors…this does have a “happy ending” see the new thread posted yesterday :)</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1489797-engineering-fraternity-sophomore-yr.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1489797-engineering-fraternity-sophomore-yr.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>This is great news!</p>

<p>*After his rough start, my S is excited to be completing his freshman year at UA! He came around, with a LOT of help from you CC’ers…thank you again!</p>

<p>Next on his consideration list is possibly joining a fraternity next year. He has done very well academically this first year, but I am quite concerned with 18 hours scheduled for the fall that his GPA will suffer. He also plans to interview for a co-op position starting Spring semester, which could possibly take him away from campus (unless he secures the Mercedes mechanical engineering co-op, which he has dreamed of since his acceptance at UA!)*</p>

<p>Great news!</p>

<p>I find it interesting that both of the “featured threads” on the top of the Bama forum are ones whose titles suggest something negative about Bama. Coincidence? I think not.</p>

<p>Fantastic news! </p>



<p>I think they’re featured because they received so many views. But no matter. The students just keep coming from all over. The compelling positives about 'Bama have gone viral and will continue to trump the negative reviews and disinformation campaigns.</p>

<p>Roll Tide.</p>

<p>How do they choose those threads to feature? I always thought that it was the threads with the most interest or replies.</p>

<p>Sensationalism sells.</p>


<p>How do they choose those threads to feature? I always thought that it was the threads with the most interest or replies.

<p>Neither of those two threads would qualify EVEN with the “help” of being featured threads. The state roll call, what not to wear at Bama, and some others have more posts/views.</p>

<p>Sorry for resurrecting this thread, but the situation that the ds of the OP experienced is one of my main concerns for my ds and UA. My ds sounds very much like the OP’s ds.</p>

<p>Is there one dorm over others that is less likely to involve a lot of partying? I know that the room finder was mentioned in this thread, but it doesn’t sound like you should rely on that.</p>

I answered your question in your other thread. </p>


<p>kids who want to party will find a way to do it.</p>

<p>i am also the owner of a kid who we were not as sure would do what was needed to be done to make it in college. we found her a job before she got there. (idle hands and all. less free time to get into trouble, etc.).</p>

<p>she had a tiny bit of a slow start (one C in biology, but i blame that on the teacher who gave NO As) but has done fine. had a 4.0 last semester (first time getting all As since about 4th grade.)</p>

<p>she NEEDED good grades to be able to transfer. she has now transferred to her preferred university (started out at junior college). </p>

<p>so, it IS possible for those kids who you have questions about to do well.</p>

<p>If you think your student may struggle while getting used to college life, check out the UA Early College Summer Experience. This is a great way for the kids to get their feet wet and it is very structured. You do not have to do both Summer I and II. My D only attended Summer II due to our graduation not being till June 6th. They enroll in 2-3 courses. They all live in one dorm together, Lakeside East. They have RA’s and peer coaches living with them. Mandatory study hours in the library every night Sunday - Thursday 7:30pm - 9:00pm. Mandatory curfews: Sun-Thurs 10:00pm, Fri-Sat 11:00pm. </p>

<p>They get a taste of college life without the heavy partying, they have a strict no alcohol allowed at all policy and it is enforced. Curfews are enforced as well, RA’s are hall monitors thru shifts all night. They can not leave for the weekend without parental permission emailed to Dr. Causey and they MUST leave town. No hanging around with friends in other dorms, etc. No friends can spend the night with them either. </p>

<p>My D came away with a 4.0 from her EC experience. I made sure to remind her that was due to:

  1. Mandatory study hours
  2. Mandatory curfew
  3. No football games, pre/post parties
  4. No sorority life
    To keep that all in mind come the Fall semester when all of these other college distractions suddenly are part of life in college. </p>

<p>She is turning in her info to be a peer coach this summer for EC.</p>

<p>Just as more info, I am not worried about my ds coping with college. He has spent almost every summer away from home on college campuses. My concern is mostly about finding a roommate/dorm fit when he doesn’t know a single person heading to UA.</p>

<p>My concern is mostly about finding a roommate/dorm fit when he doesn’t know a single person heading to UA.</p>

<p>Then the Facebook group for incoming UA students can help. Or YOU should join the Facebook group for Bama Parents. I’ll send you the link. </p>

<p>Won’t your son have this issue everywhere? Or does he know people at his other schools?</p>

<p>I really think he needs to do Alabama Action or Outdoor Action the week before school starts.</p>

<p>In his past experiences on college campuses, did he prefer the suite style or traditional? </p>

<p>AA and OA are great. So is EC to get to know other incoming freshmen, and gain UA credits. Not everyone going to UA knows a ton of others coming in. My D only knew of one person that was already there, knew of. She attended EC last summer before her freshman year, met a lot of others coming to UA in the fall as well as some that will be coming in this fall. We were not worried about her fitting in to college or getting used to the college life. We saw it as an opportunity to get ahead hours wise and meet people before the fall semester so that she would already have some friends at UA when school started.</p>

<p>Can we move all questions regarding housing/roommates, etc, to that other thread. This thread isn’t really for that.</p>

