Worst Fear Realized...Son is Struggling

<p>Great news!! So happy for you!</p>

<p>Denthyg: So happy to hear that your son has decided to stay, it is nice to hear about all the positive changes, wishing him continued success.</p>

<p>Wonderful news, on so many levels.</p>

<p>Roll Tide.</p>

<p>*Best of all, my son called Sunday to say that he has decided to stay at UA!!! While my voice remained calm, my heart was jumping for joy! I asked him what finally helped him with this decision, and he said that he couldn’t point to one specific thing…just that he was starting to feel more comfortable and was starting to make more connections with people. The beauty of time…</p>

<p>Despite the turmoil of the past 2 months, I was delighted to see his midterm grades posted today! He kept his nose to the grindstone, despite the many issues he was dealing with. Should he keep up his fine work, we will look forward to Dean’s List for his first semester in engineering!!</p>

<p>I had a patient in my office today who pulled me aside and told me that her son, a HS junior, is seriously looking at UA for computer science. I have a tremendous opportunity to pay it forward. I have been humbled by the care, concern, and prayers that we have received from this forum, and I can only hope that my guidance for this family will do you all proud! Of course, I am first and foremost informing them of this CC forum!!*</p>

<p>Such good news!</p>

<p>As the GF/ex-GF drama faded and he’s had opportunities to meet new people he’s been able to find his place at Bama. :)</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Been lurking on this post for awhile, and I am so happy to hear things are better for your son (and your heart too). A wise friend once said we parents are only as happy as our unhappiest child - and that is so true! I believe that he will grow and become confident and secure as he sees that he has the intestinal fortitude to stick out the rough patches, he will come out the other side a winner! Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>This update has made my day. Your experience was my greatest fear. I am so happy it is working out.</p>

<p>So happy for you and your son. Glad he has found his tribe and has done well in his studies. Thank you for the update. RTR!!</p>

<p>Great news! Thanks for sharing this entire experience for others who may one day face the same experience.:)</p>

<p>lol… The lieutenant on Law and Order used the…least happy child… line a few years ago. It really stuck in my head, maybe because I have a single child.</p>

<p>Very glad to see things are working out m2ck, My son is so… …so… non-party. I am really proud of the way he is comfortable with himself.</p>

<p>I’ve been following this thread, and could not have added any more to the WONDERFUL suggestions and advice that was provided here … what more could I offer? My Daughter continues to LOVE EVERY MINUTE of the experience she’s having … carrying over the first year experience into year #2. Now that she’s fully into her upper division classes, due to her APs, she is MUCH more tuned in academically, and has begun her CBHP research through a project already underway in the MIS department. She called yesterday to tell me she got a 98 on her first MIS big exam … she was so happy. She’s off to the TN game this weekend with friends. Finding your niche is SO important, and takes longer for some than others, but I’m so happy DENTHYG that your son has finally found some comfort! Wonderful, WONDERFUL news! Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Glad it is all working out. </p>

<p>My nerdy, somewhat socially awkward son is having the time of his life. Doing well in his classes, and he now has … wait for it … a girlfriend. Supposedly she is a real live girl. And they even made it official on facebook. </p>

<p>Will wonders never cease.</p>


<p>I was thinking about you yesterday and hoping y’all got everything cleaned up from the hurricane.:slight_smile: It’s good to hear things are going well for your son. Remember all those doubts last year??? Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Slippy, perhaps you can update your thread that is stickied above and let the world know that yes, indeed, a nerd can thrive at Alabama!</p>

<p>First of all, it’s not a worst fear. it’s not the end of the world by any means if he does decide to transfer. Yeah, it’s a pain in the neck among other places, but when you go through labor, it’s just a small taste of what’s to come regarding possible “child bearing” pains which can come anytime during your/his/her life.</p>

<p>Having incompatible and down right bad roommates can really be a problem anywhere. Just remind your son that his options will be better if he keeps his grades up. If he truly wants out, at the end of the term, let him start the tranfer process. I told my kids, I am not involved in transfers, except for maybe writing the check for the app, and maybe not even for that. This is not a redo of the senior year app process. </p>

<p>My neigbbor’s daughter went to an ivy league school for a year, and refused to return. She is happily attending a local college and doing well. She was miserble at the other school. It’s not a worst fear scenario, believe me.</p>


<p>You need to read the recent posts. The OP’s son has settled in at Bama, so no transferring.</p>

<p>^^Yes, it seems he is thriving now.:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I’ll just step up and rename this thread, too…maybe “Second guessing college decision…son is struggling?”</p>

<p>I don’t think she actually meant the title to be taken so literally. In times of stress we often don’t think clearly and it may have seemed to be her worst fear at the time as a mom so far away from her child. I have a very active worry center in my brain, so I’m sure I could come up with worse things, but that doesn’t mean this wouldn’t have shaken me. Most of us would be shaken by it if our child seemed so unhappy.</p>

<p>I’m just glad things are getting easier for both the son and the mom.</p>

<p>Great news! Thanks for updating.</p>

<p>I could not be happier for your son, denthyg! Thanks so much for letting us know that he has begun to feel at home at UA. I am still hoping our sons’ paths cross one day, though. :-)</p>

<p>denthyg- so happy that all is well, I have been following your posts and thoughts have been with you!</p>

<p>slippy - I’m so glad the girlfriend is “a real live girl”, that cracked me up, as I had visions of the blow-up dolls on some tv shows!! LOL</p>

<p>We went through the same transition issues with my oldest son who went Georgetown…he is no drinker…and there was a lot of drinking…he did not make friends…felt all his floor mates were spoiled trust fund babies…i got almost daily phone cals that he had made a terrible choice…should have gone to Berkeley …all the while we were writing these humongous checks to Georgetown which we barely could afford…no money to get him home over thanksgiving…nevertheless by Christmas…the talk had subsided…he graduated in may of this year…lesson learned…do not rescue your babies…support them . Listen to them but transition time is hard…but they will make through…and will be better for it.</p>