Race: Filipino/Native American/Latina
ACT: 33 Superscore
GPA UW: 3.89
GPA W: 4.42
Major: Political Science, Sociology
*All A’s after 9th grade
Doing concurrent enrollment, so most of my classes are college courses at my local community college. Classes include Calc II, Physics, Intro to Political Theory (college honors course), Contemporary social issues, psychology of prejudice and discrimination, etc
*Facebook Headquarters, Intern for Human Resources - Diversity and Inclusion department.
*Civil Liberties Club, President/Founder (11-12) *Club I established on community college campus, held events regarding Islamophobia, an LGBT panel, created homeless kits for trans youth.
*Immigrant Youth Committee for my county, only 5 youth on it. I am also part of the youth commission for the county. (12)
*On the student senate for the community college, basically student govt.
*Boys and Girls Club Program Management Intern - Assisted summer school for class of incoming 4th graders at elementary school. School was primarily low income, latino kids. Essentially me and the teacher reteaching concepts to the kids.
*Youth Advisory Board for local teen clinic, demographics of clinic are mainly young, latina women.
*Restaurant work (20+ hours a week) I might describe on the additional info section that working takes up a lot of my time.
I think that my EC’s are very focused, and accurately reflect my passion for social justice and how I have translated it into helping my community. I plan to explain in my essays more about how much I value diversity, and why social justice is so integral to who I am. Almost all of them are leadership positions, except for the FB internship. Let me know what you think please!