Hey there, this is my first post here so I hope its not in the wrong section. Anyways, I was committed to a mental hospital this semester at school and it turns out that I have schizophrenia. Naturally, this is a big ordeal so I was planning on writing about it and how I persevered etc. and how it taught me a lot. My grades went downhill big time, but I brought them back up before the semester ended.
But with that being said, is there a chance a college would not want me because of the illness? It has a definite stigma with it, and I’m considering just neglecting to mention it at all. I’m not sure what they would think of it.
If you need to explain why your grades slipped, you (and – preferably – your GC) can refer to it as a “medical condition” that required treatment and hospitalization and that is now under control. I would NOT discuss the fact that it was a mental health issue. Too much stigma and (in their eyes, liability).
It might be better to address it in the “additional information” and find something else to write about for the CA essay.
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Would mentioning it make up for my lack of EC’s or do they not care at all? I practically did nothing on that side of things due to the illness. If I call it just a health issue wouldn’t they find it weird I was good enough to participate in sports?
First, irrespective of your condition, you must meet every admission requirenent. Second, never mention a disability because that limits your legal rights as a students with a disability. Further, it is not unusual for schools to have more applicants than available spots. While it is illegal to deny admission to students with a disability and you will never know in your case, schools may avoid students with personal issues.
Now, practically, you have superficial knowledge about your scizophrena, its limitations both functional and personal, treatment…Take it slowly and carefully as you would with very bad flu until you know what happens in various circumstances. If on medication, you will require a doctor who can adjust medication and write prescriptions where your school is located. You will also, if necessary, establish a therapist if necessary These comments are neither random or mean. Like anything else your understanding and behavior mature. Hope your path is smooth!
Mentioning your disability does not limit your legal rights. But it likely will not help your admissions chances, either. Get your GC to reference medical issues. Ask if they can say something both about the academic an EC impact. Don’t worry about the sports.
In general, disclosing schizophrenia is unlikely to help and is likely to hurt your changes of getting in. When they can choose another candidate who looks like you and has no known issues that they fear could result in problems down the road, they are likely to take the other candidate. So, I’d advise against disclosing.
The right time to disclose, if at all, is if you are seeking any kind of help or accommodations, is AFTER you are admitted. If at that point, they can’t commit to providing the help you need, you can look elsewhere. But that becomes your choice and not theirs.
The only caveat is if you absolutely need to disclose to explain your program. But, I think the suggestions made to have the GC describe this as a medical condition that hurt your performance for a period should suffice.