**********************Would I be able to get into Montclair State University?*********************

<p>I am currently a senior in HS living in New York. I would be dorming if I get accepted. I want to major in Film Making. ( Love video cameras and making movies, have a YouTube in which I post)</p>

<p>I have an IEP (An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written statement of the educational program designed to meet a child's individual needs.) Basically means I struggle in school.</p>

<p>Current GPA is around a 2.8/9 - 3.0</p>

<p>SAT - Was around 1200-1300</p>

<p>High School Activities -Played Varsity Hockey for 4 years Soccer for 2 years</p>

<p>Community Service - Volunteer to help little kids in a program that only runs in the fall through winter.</p>

<p>Homeless basket - Help homeless on Easter to give them food, only one day a year though.</p>

<p>Clubs in School - Fishy Club for only one year. Thats all the clubs, yes I know its bad:(</p>

<p>So yeah do you think i will get in ? Working very hard this first quarter to Bump up my GPA, I am taking the SAT one more time in 2 weeks currently have a tutor for it.</p>

<p>Thanks :')</p>

<p>Sorry for miss spelt words, in a rush
PS - I'm also interested in playing for the Montclair's Hockey team.

<p>First quarter IS HALF WAY OVER for Senior year -</p>

<p>English - 90
Math - 86
SS - 96
Science - 97
Gym and Orchestra -100
Computer Aid Design - 99</p>