Would IB or AP look better / benefit me more for college?


<p>I go to school in the San Mateo Union High School District. Unfortunately, only one of the schools in the district has the IB program and the others, only offer AP and Honors classes. I am planning on transferring schools, possibly to the one that offers the IB program. But I want to know which will be better for me?</p>

<p>Should I do AP/Honors or IB?</p>

<p>Which looks better on a college application, and which will benefit me more? Thanks!</p>

<p>In theory, it shouldn’t make a difference, but sometimes unis are more familiar with IB or AP. This post has good advice on the what to do when faced with this choice:
[AP</a> vs. IB ? Any New Thoughts? - Ask The Dean](<a href=“http://www.collegeconfidential.com/dean/archives/ap-vs-ib-any-new-thoughts.htm]AP”>http://www.collegeconfidential.com/dean/archives/ap-vs-ib-any-new-thoughts.htm)</p>

<p>Do what will keep your GPA highest and give you the opportunity to do extracurriculars. Both look good on college apps, but it can be difficult to maintain a high GPA in the IB program. Go where you think you can excel the most.</p>

<p>Just stay at your school and do AP. If you were already AT that school, I would’ve said do IB. But there’s no need to transfer.</p>

<p>Do AP. I am an IB Diploma graduate - it’s not worth it because you get very few college credits, and it hardly prepares you any more than AP does. In fact, I would say you are less prepared than people with the equivalent AP classes because AP is more geared toward the American system. If you want to go to England or something, then IB, but from what you’ve told me here, AP / Honors is the way to go, hands down. </p>

<p>In Europe IB is better.</p>

<p>America - as far as my knowledge goes, AP is ideal.</p>

<p>Lol I asked this SAME exact question. Here’s the deal. IB is lot more stress and a lot less credits. What you want is to take AP classes. I was considering dropping out of IB my junior year bc I was hardly getting a fraction of the college credits I would have gotten in AP. but I was in too deep at that point. AP= many more credits at a lot more schools, so keep your options open and get more credits via APs.</p>