Would love some advice on ED2 Strategy. Bowdoin/Hamilton insights appreciated

Bates generally admits a larger percentage of their classes ED than Bowdoin or Colby. https://www.collegematchpoint.com/college-matchpoint-blog/2018/8/the-moneyball-of-college-admissions-early-decision-merit-aid-and-need-based-aid-xb7e4

“Bates College in Maine has long been a heavy user of early decision, but it hit
a new national high in 2020, when four out of five freshmen were enrolled through early decision.” https://edreformnow.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/The-Future-of-Fair-Admissions-Report-1-Early-Decision.pdf


Well, again. This seems dispositive. If the only remaining question is whether DD will be happy at Hamilton, the answer is a resounding, “Probably.”


Keep in mind that Naviance is pulling data from past years and no the GPA does not tell the whole story. My daughters unweighted GPA is the highest in Naviance from her school however her weighted GPA isn’t. Also all of the recent past data might not be in Naviance. But you can use Naviance as a tool even if Naviance doesn’t provide you with a scattergram. Look at at the accepted students tab and how many of the students enrolled when they are accepted. If they do provide a scattergram pay attention to the ED acceptances and RD decision applicants. Also, look at your daughters weighted GPA as well. There is definitely a lag in Naviance due to record number of applicants in the TO environment. My husband is a former AO and the CC is a former AO. Perhaps the GC would be willing to share more information about past applicants with similar stats. For example did they interview? Did they show enough demonstrated interest? I would think that no GC would share current applicants stats as it would be unethical. For my own 2023 student there are schools listed in Naviance as a match that have definitely moved into the reach category. An additional observation from my husband it is unlikely any school has the staff to tackle the record number of apps without hiring outside readers and using computer programs to tackle the apps. Honestly, it is somewhat of a guessing game even with the “best” strategy. As a fellow parent of 2023 student this can be a gut wrenching process. I wish you and your daughter all the best.

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There is no more guarantee than “probably.” None of us, including the kids, can say “certainly.” She has said that she thinks she would be similarly happy at Hamilton as she would have been at Bowdoin.

While it is still possible to get into Bowdoin, I’m thinking her best shot was in the ED1 round.

ED2 at either Bowdoin or Hamilton will show the chosen school that it is her top choice – but again, she already had a shot at Bowdoin. I think I’m on Team Hamilton here.

I don’t believe there is any difference in the quality of education she will receive at these two, or really any of the other schools that have been mentioned… maybe with the tutorials option at Williams as an exception (which I have heard are not utilized to the fullest by many Williams students: not everyone wants to be in a room with one other student and the professor. “Excuse me, may I use the restroom please? So sorry, I’ll be quick!”).

And your school has a good track record with Hamilton, which is encouraging.

Prestige, shmestige – it’s NESCAC. They’re all well-known to those in the know.


OP, does your D have the choice to go into ED2 at Bowdoin?

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I don’t think you can ED more than once at any of these LACs. There was a decision to review her again in the RD round. That’s where it stands!

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Wesleyan and NYU both defer some candidates from EDI to EDII

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But the school decides or the applicant?

School AFAIK, I just raised the question because another poster mentioned Bowdoin ED2, so was merely asking for clarity, thinking maybe I missed something.


I don’t think you can do that at Bowdoin…


That’s my fault for not checking Bowdoin’s admissions rules – it looks like they defer to the RD round.

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Yes. That was my kid. WL at Williams ED. Then WL in the RD round. He was accepted RD at Amherst, Bowdoin, and Middlebury. WL at Bates and Colby. So…go figure!

We were in a similar place as the OP this time last year. He decided to stay firm that Williams was the first choice and didn’t apply to Bowdoin ED2, despite all of us telling him that was the safer strategy. He was clearly meant to go to Bowdoin as he got in RD and has loved every minute of it. And he never has that “what if” in his mind.

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As pure opinion, if your daughter remains ambivalent about Hamilton after three visits, I don’t believe it represents a good fit for her.


I don’t believe she’s ambivalent. It’s not her 2nd choice of every college in the US but given the the competitive nature of admissions it’s a school she likes and feels she’ll be happy at and it’s among a group of schools she likes a lot. Even first and second choices are really guesses based on a feeling generally. As someone else pointed out these schools are more alike than they are different.


@Cascadiaparent That’s a very happy ending.:slight_smile: Unfortunately, we have witnessed a lot of scenarios where kids gamble and come up pretty empty. The whole process (especially these days) is so unpredictable.

One of my kids was ambivalent about every single school she visited. Large urban university was fine. Small rural LAC was fine. Public, private, domestic, foreign-they were all fine. She was right, she probably would have suceeded anywhere-most kids like wherever they end up. She ended up at a medium sized suburban school she didn’t particularly like during the visit, but which ticked off a lot of boxes. Ended up loving it.


If it might represent an aspect of interest, note that Hamilton grads earn the most in their early careers from those of the 10 NESCAC LACs based on information in U.S. News. Bowdoin grads place fourth from this group. And Williams and Amherst grads place second and third by this standard, respectively.






I’d do the ed2 at Hamilton. If she didn’t get in EDI w hook at bowdoin than middlebury Amherst and Williams seem hard. Sounds like she’d be thrilled with Hamilton. A thrilled kid is an awesome outcome. Good luck


@merc81 Thank you! I don’t see that in the links but I am probably looking in the wrong place. Anyway, I will take your word for it!

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