Would vanderbilt be a good choice for me?

<p>So I am going to college next year and my top two choices are UCLA and Vanderbilt. Up until recently I was leaning towards UCLA but I am also very interested in Vanderbilt. I want to major in computer engineering but my dream job would to be an executive for a record label. Here are some of the things that I have thought about </p>

<p>-Vanderbilt allows you to double major, in majors that are in different schools, so since I would like to be an executive of some sort I think that majoring in business and computer engineering would be great and Vanderbilt gives me the opportunity to do this.
-I would love to get internships at record labels, and I would love to be able to intern (if possible) at country labels and so it would be great to be in Nashville for this reason.
-UCLA is a better engineering school, which is making me skeptical about Vanderbilt</p>

<p>Based on some of these points, would Vanderbilt be good choice based on my goals, or would UCLA be better, because it is a better engineering school.</p>

<p>My quick thoughts:
-Vanderbilt does not have a business major. You mean, economics with corporate strategy and finance minors.
-UCLA is a better engineering school.
-Lots of musicians and record label execs in Nashville that are fairly easy to meet and network with. I’ve had at least 5 friends at Vandy who have interned at record labels.</p>

<p>I love Vandy. Worlds away from UCLA. Pick which school’s culture you think you’ll enjoy more–it’s so easy to love what you do when you love where you are, even if you’re taking a difficult engineering course load.</p>