WoW A Leading Cause of College Dropouts

<p>FCC</a> Commissioner Terms WoW a Leading Cause of College Dropouts | GamePolitics</p>

<p>o.o Wow. That's kind of sad...</p>


<p>Less competition = happy me.</p>

<p>If people want to fail tests and lower the class average, I’m not complaining!</p>

<p>I had 2 roommates who got .6 and 1 gpa’s over a years period while playing this crap.</p>

<p>I wonder if Blizzard hires psychologists to evaluate the addictiveness of a game before selling it.</p>

<p>lol, this is amusing. Not that I mind; it weeds out the weak of will.</p>

<p>As long as ‘Big Gubbamint’ doesn’t try to ban video games like these because they cause “poor work productivity”, I will be fine.</p>

<p>So glad I quit this last year. It seems like something stupid kids so, but believe me, it’s hella addicting once you start playing. My gpa jumped .7. I probably would have had a good chance at HYPS if I didn’t play it.</p>

<p>One could argue that if WoW wasn’t around the same people who are addicted to it would be investing their time in other things; such as going to bars, partying, etc… But can you honestly name any other activity other than WoW that is so interactive, available any time of day, and easy to get ahold of? The game was engineered to be as addictive as possible.
Sure there was a certain segment of the college population that was going to drop out no matter what. The thing is, some of the people who would have stayed in college will eventually start playing this game out of interest, recommendations from friends, etc. It is a highly addictive game that is easily accessible by the vast majority of people, and that is why it seems to be a worse time sink than anything else in previous history.</p>