Writing and Theater

<p>Could someone please talk about these programs at Loyola?</p>

<p>The English program has three tracks: Writing, Literature, and Film and Digital Media Studies. Department publications include a journal, “New Orleans Review,” as well as a literary journal, “ReVisions.” The Walker Percy Center for Writing and Publishing gives students the opportunity to participate in literary development. Students looking to develop their teaching abilities can work as a tutor in the Writing Across the Curriculum Lab. The English Department also boasts an academic fraternity, summer programs in Dublin and Paris, involvement with the Film Buffs Institute, and the opportunity to participate in several interdisciplinary minors, such as Africana studies, medieval studies, women’s studies, film studies, legal studies, and peace studies. Bryan Batt, who most recently portrayed Salvatore Romano on AMC’s critically acclaimed dramatic series Mad Men, is a member of the English Department Advisory Board and can be found around campus.</p>

<p>In regards to theatre, Professor John Biguenet is an award-winning writer, whose plays are being produced all around the country in association with the National New Plays Network. The Theatre Arts program is a concentrated BA program. Students study all different all areas of theatre to create a well-rounded theatre artist. Students choosing to major in theatre can also pair this with a track in Communications, Business or Elective studies. The department produces 4 mainstage productions each year, as well as various one-acts, readings, and workshops. Upon graduating, students have found success across the globe. Most recently, College of Music and Fine Arts alumnus Bryan Hymel landed the leading role in the 3D version of Carmen produced in London. [Loyola</a> music alumnus lands leading role in 3-D opera film - Loyola University New Orleans](<a href=“http://www.loyno.edu/news/story/2011/2/28/2418]Loyola”>http://www.loyno.edu/news/story/2011/2/28/2418)</p>

<p>Here is a pretty informative video on the theatre program at Loyola: [‪Dept</a>. of Theatre Arts and Dance‬‏ - YouTube](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube) </p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>