WSU, UWB, or WWU for CS?

<p>How is the CS program at WSU? I'm trying to decide whether to go to WSU, WWU, or UW Bothell and can't seem to find much to compare them on. Any information or contact information of current CS majors would be appreciated. Thanks.</p>

<p>Why don’t you contact the CS department at WSU to find out? </p>

<p>Contact information
Computer science program
<a href=“”></a>

<p>I have. Although they were helpful, they weren’t able to give me any analysis of the three schools. I want an objective comparison of the three schools.</p>

<p>My son, same school choices, same major, chose WSU and will attend in the fall. He took a gap year so knows kids in CS at all 3 (and UW, of course). WWU nearly closed their CS department a couple of years ago and does not have other technical majors for breadth of tech experience if he wants to take some engineering courses; he would have been fine attending there, though. Bothell was out early because he’s tired of living at home.</p>