
<p>So, what would you do if you were choosing between...</p>

<p>Majoring in Economics at Northwestern
Business at Georgetown</p>

<p>UVa and UNC-Chapel Hill also accepted me, but I'm leaning toward GU or NU.</p>

<p>Just looking for opinions (back up info. welcome as well!), feel free to respond or to disregard :-)</p>

<p>i would say business at georgetown</p>

<p>One vote for Georgetown..any other opinions?</p>



<p>2-1 in favor of Georgetown. Any more votes? Any reasoning?</p>

<p>I would go to UVa.</p>

<p>"THE University" under your screen name isn't by any chance UVa, is it? ;-)</p>

<p>Northwestern, GTown and UVa would all give you the same opportunity in getting recruited by presgitious firms. You should choose based on fit. Go visit the schools and see which one you like the best.</p>

<p>I would go to NU.</p>

<p>GU biz is ranked 30 on US news. And also the school rox:)..</p>

<p>GTowm is recruited more heavily by prestigious than all the other school you have on the list. GTown is better, don't miss a chance to attend.</p>

<p>NW grads are recruited by as much if not MORE than MSB grads. Find me a recruiting calender from any of the top firms that lists Georgetown but not Northwestern.</p>

<p>You can't go wrong with either.</p>

<p>Gtown is not recruited more heavily............. it's approximately the same............</p>

<p>blackstone doesnt recruit at gtown, it recruits at UVa.</p>

<p>mahras2: lazard's calendar has gtown but doesnt have northwestern. i'm sure this is an exception.</p>

<p>Most major investment banking firms have Northwestern, UVa, and Georgetown as target schools.</p>

<p>To the OP, go with your best "fit".</p>

<p><a href="http://www.lazard.com/careers/FA-NA-UG.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.lazard.com/careers/FA-NA-UG.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Both Gtown and NW listed. As I said, cant go wrong with either.</p>

<p>I would go with Northwestern or UVa before Georgetown.</p>

<p>Thanks for all of your input. Keep it coming! I'll be sure to let you know what I choose in the end :-)</p>

<p>mahras2, sorry, i was careless and didn't see northwestern.</p>

<p>No worries.</p>

<p>I visited NU and I love the school, and I know UVa is beautiful and a great college, but..I've decided to go with Georgetown. It's what you make of it, after all :-p Just thought I'd let everyone who gave input know, thanks!</p>