<p>Aieee, I feel incredibly inferior in this thread.
On a brighter note, I found 2 other SCEA applicants from PA! Whoo for…being in the same state? :P</p>
<li>Tres Elefantes</li>
<p>Good luck everybody!</p>
<p>^Don’t I know it, Xaari! It’s incredible… The average score on here is ~2320! Your scores are incredible also, though.</p>
<li>Tres Elefantes</li>
<p>SAT (M/CR/W) or ACT: 2370 (800CR,800W,770M) 1 sitting
SAT II scores: Lit 790, USH 790, Chinese 780, BioM770
AP scores: English Lang 5, Chinese 5, Bio 5, English Lit 5, USH 5
GPA (unweighted): 4.0
class rank: top 1%/455</p>
<p>does anyone know if they always release decisions on 12/15? do they ever do it a couple days earlier?</p>
<p>@christiansoldier- isn’t it ironic that you, who has such high academic accomplishments, feels the need to use your essay space to justify those accomplishments? hahahahah thats hysterical</p>
<p>Haha, it’s okay guys. With all the high-achieving applicants here, I thought I would try to give some comforting words (partly to calm myself! – but you didn’t just read that.)</p>
<p>So basically the way I see it is, there’s only like… 100 CCers max applying to Yale EA (the list only goes up to like 60ish in the other thread?) I think there’s like 3000 EA applicants, and hopefully we rep the best, so don’t get discouraged. I believe 700 will get accepted, and assuming that many of the 100 on here will be among them.</p>
<p>^uh 700/3000=23 percent. Yale SCEA acceptance rate is closer to 12-13%. and the number of applicants is only expected to increase, and the president of yale actually said that they would accept less EA applicants this year because they dont want such a huge proportion of their class to be taken from the SCEA pool</p>
<p>^How sad. I still think that this particular thread will have a freakish number of acceptances. Not me, but some of you.</p>
<p>WHAT?! So will our chances applying EA actually be lower than RD???</p>
<p>@Stupefy: Believe me, the irony is not lost on me.</p>
<p>^I hope not. I don’t think that it will make your chances WORSE than RD, it’s just that your chances will probably not be any better. I would expect more high-stats deferrals this year if they’re trying to cut back on early acceptances. Maybe only slam-dunk, star applicants who would have received a likely letter in the RD round will be admitted EA.</p>
<p>SAT (M/CR/W) or ACT: 780/780/800 = 2360
SAT II scores: 800, 800
AP scores: 5, 5, 5, 4
GPA (unweighted): 3.80 (EWW)
Class Rank: School Does Not Rank</p>
<p>God, this thread has some crazy stats.</p>
what? i didn’t say that! lol
EA and RD chances are about the same. EA rates are around 12%, RD rate is close to 5 or 6%, but people argue that the difference is only because EA applicants are so much more qualified. personally, I think that’s false because it seems unrealistic that the difference in quality of applicants would result in a twice as high admissions rate. so to sum up, I think you have a better chance applying EA than RD, and generally EA applicants have a higher rate of acceptance even when deferred into the RD round (1 because of their caliber and 2 because yale takes yield into consideration)</p>
<p>Did they really say they’ll have to cut back on EA admits? Cos that would be terrible. :(</p>
<p>Ah, I think I’m getting too attached to Yale…and that cannot bode well for me.</p>
<p>it’s so hard to be attached to a school so selective. wish i could’ve fallen in love with uw-madison. it’d be so much easier.</p>
<p>^lol. or community college, at that. But hopefully they are nice this year.</p>
<p>cadillac,what time is it in cali?</p>
<p>9:15, why?</p>
<p>coz it’s 12:06 in NYC…people aint active no more</p>
<p>41 days! I really can’t wait.</p>