<p>what do you think are your chances?=)</p>
<p>:( I have this inevitable feeling in my gut that I am going to be accepted, but I know I can’t even begin to believe that. I see myself going to Yale next year. No matter how much I try to tell myself that there’s a very good chance I won’t get in, I can’t seem to see myself anywhere else.</p>
<p>Anyone else having this problem? I want to know SO badly so I can end this speculation.</p>
<p>(you can probably tell that one of my characteristics that I admire in others on the Yale application was patience)</p>
<p>^I feel the same. I think it’s natural to feel that when we have compiled ourselves into our application to the best of our abilities, we can reach the highest. Of course, this is flawed because no one has been through this process before, and the “highest” we imagine is way above our heads. But yeah, hang in there!</p>
yup, right after admissions last year (april) the president said in an article (I believe NY times, can’t remember) that next year less of their class would be admitted EA, and more will be rejected immediately rather than deferred</p>
<p>Well that’s just peachy.</p>
<p>found the article!
[Yale</a> Daily News - News analysis: Early admit cutback levels field](<a href=“http://www.yaledailynews.com/news/university-news/2009/01/13/news-analysis-early-admit-cutback-levels-field/]Yale”>http://www.yaledailynews.com/news/university-news/2009/01/13/news-analysis-early-admit-cutback-levels-field/)
<p>I wonder how many people on this thread (and this website as a whole) are actually legit…</p>
<p>^Sometimes I wonder too. I actually think that most people on here ARE legit, and that this is a highly self-selected sample of the applicants who will be applying. Sometimes, you gotta wonder, though. There are like a few hundred 2350+ scorers in the US each year. I doubt this thread reflects the EA pool as a whole, in any case. Thank goodness!</p>
<p>Ah, I think there are around 1,900 2350+ scorers each year, and of course even more if superscore is taken into account. :P</p>
<p>sometimes i have second thoughts about not applying early to mit instead</p>
<p>@ xatuuatx</p>
<p>Yeah, totally. I feel the exact same way! Whenever I think about college next year, I envision Yale and nowhere else. And now that the app is turned in, I think about Yale pretty much every minute of every day that I have to remind myself that I haven’t actually been admitted yet. Lol. Awesome, right? And I probably won’t even get in. :(</p>
<p>who doesn’t fantasize about yale?</p>
<p>Really? Oops. There must be only a few hundred 2400 scorers per year. My bad. Still, 1900 is a relatively small number.</p>
<p>well it probbb seems like everyone scores 2400 because probb 99% of the 2400 scorers are CC users, and can owe some of their success to the motivation that CC gave them</p>
<p>honestly, if it weren’t for cc, i wouldn’t be where I am right now.</p>
<p>geez id rather be rejected than deferred
it’s like…make up your minds alreadyyyyy and let me get on with my other apps and life</p>
<p>Yeah. If it weren’t for CC, I would be in the dark like many of my classmates.</p>
<p>Yeah, I wouldn’t half of what I am now if it weren’t for stumbling across CC freshman year…man, then I <em>really</em> would stand no chance.</p>
<p>if it weren’t for cc, i wouldn’t have thought it was possible to take 5 ap classes (which I did junior year), get 5s on 5 ap tests (which i did junior year), apply for a school early action (Yale), commonly get 800s and fives, self study(physics), and use the crap out of test prep books </p>
<p>i’m so thankful to have not found this site too late. phew.</p>
<p>cc was suchhh a reality check for me. I really had no idea what was out there. all I knew was that I wanted to apply to harvard someday</p>
<p>Same here.</p>
<p>When people hear about my 2320, 5 AP classes and whatnot and are shocked, I just think to myself “you have no idea…” </p>
<p>We CCers really are the best of the best though. Keep that in mind.</p>
<p>honestly, cc has been more helpful than my college counseling because my case is semi-specific and a lot of parents have offered really great advice. a lot of college admissions I feel comes down to how you present yourself and not being afraid to tell them what you want to say. definitely CC is a huge help.</p>