Yale 2014 EA Pledge Thread

<p>Hey i’m already on the list so i’ll just post my stats:
State: I’m international from New Zealand
SAT: 2290; one sitting
SAT II: 780 Maths II; 780 Chem; 760 Bio E
AP: don’t have APs
GPA: NA (but top 0.4% percentile in our national examination)
Class Rank: unofficially 5/503
FA? Yes</p>

<p>Just for future pledgers: You should also include whether or not you applied for Financial Aid.</p>

<p>what national exam in New Zealand gives overall rankings…</p>

<li>Tres Elefantes</li>
<li>ZishuAW </li>
<li>jblpright </li>

<p>pnthrs11, stats!</p>

<p>International student from Montreal, Canada
SAT: 2370 (one sitting, 800 CR 800 M 770 W)
SAT II Math IIC 800 Chem 800 Bio M 770
GPA: 94%
AP not available
Class rank unavailable, unofficially about top 5%</p>

<li>Tres Elefantes</li>
<li>pnthrs11 </li>

<p>Chinese Student from TN
SAT: 2340 (one sitting, 740 CR 800 M 800 W)
SAT II: Math II 800, Chem 800, US History 800, World History 800
GPA: 4.0
AP: 5 - Chem, US History, World History, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, English Language
4 - Human Geography :frowning:
Class rank: #2 though my school isn’t really that competitive and I had a really bad relative average in English freshman year. And I don’t really know how much scores play in the application.</p>

<li>Tres Elefantes</li>
<li>canadiankid9 </li>

<p>^everyone gets an 800 on math II…everyone except me :frowning: sigh stupid math</p>

<p>I didn’t get an 800 on Math II either :frowning: hopefully my (math) AP, math transcript, and SAT math score will make up for it though…</p>

<p>haha, it’s okay. math II is the ONLY subject test I got an 800 on :(</p>

<p>^yeah, I always got screwed over by math as well. Every time I took the SAT, I always erased the correct answer at the last second, and ended up with -1 (and according to the curve… or should I said… the noncurve, that’s minus like 20 points). And I was sick the day I took SAT II math, but it’s not low enough to retake, so I guess I’ll just stick with a 750. </p>

<p>The moral is, you’re not alone! Haha</p>

<p>I was sick the day I took math II also!!</p>

<p>lol thanks guys. yeah the math section of the SAT is always so little curved. boo.</p>

<p>^If you don’t have good math grades in school, lets say b+ in Calc AB, but you have perfect math SAT II’s, Math SAT reasoning test score, and a 5 AP in CAlc AB, does that make up for the b+ in the class?</p>

<p>I wonder how much transcripts actually count in the application - the marks fluctuate so much from different places</p>

<p>Also what is considered a 4.0 GPA in the US? Do you guys get a % mark as well?</p>

<p>maths II is ridiculous. im assuming all of us are doing calculus. and haven’t studied the stuff that’s on mathsII in class for over a year. hence the test is a bit stupid. There should be calculus on mathsII.</p>

<p>and going on from canadiankid, are your (US) tests/exams meant to be ace-able? Coz our report comes out on a percent score, but for some subjects, a 70% is wonderful coz the exams are so damn hard, or advanced for where we are in class, or are not meant to be finished in the time allowed (and in some subjects, a 70% on par with a 7 in IB HL :D… physics for example!). Hence my grades dropped in semester 1 of senior year. how will colleges know this is why? i got a teacher rec for my lowest-grades subject, history, where I’m a B average coz everything is marked out of 20, and has been marked to “Ib standards” since we started in year 11 :frowning:
Does a good teacher rec make up for a B? </p>

<p>And do predicted IB scores or your senior-year report weigh more heavily?!</p>

<p>Depends I guess… I’m from Canada so I don’t know much about the GPA system</p>

<p>As for me, it’s extremely hard to score 100 under our system, and impossible in the non-science courses.</p>

<p>totallysunshine, I find the same problem too, but I guess tutoring junior high students helped me on that…No offense to anyone here, but Chinese curriculum goes fast on math I think.</p>

<p>@ ZishuAW:</p>

<p>I’m curious about the Chinese curriculum - I emigrated from China ten years ago so I don’t remember much</p>

<p>What are you guys doing in math? Any calculus in high school?</p>

<p>As for SAT II Math I had to review a lot of the stuff I did before…but I still find it easier than what I’m doing in school now</p>

<p>@ totallysunshine - I took calculus in Freshman year, and have therefore not really seen the material on the math II exam since middle school - do you think Yale will be understanding about a low-ish math II score (my other two subject tests are better), or will they think it weird/bad that I am so advanced in math yet cannot manage to pull an 800 on a standardized test?</p>

<p>Well, canadiankid, usually we officially start calculus in 11th grade. But some pre work before that.
In my case it is a bit special. I started calculus in 8th grade because I was in a special program (I guess equivalent to honors/advanced although it is not called that) and trained for Olympiad (my focus was physics). Later I found I am more leaning toward social science but I still get some brains on natural science.
When I start senior high in another school, those who intend to apply to US colleges are not included in the training for national math/physics/chem competitions. Really awful but I was like whatever, I am not going that way any more.
Besides calculus? Solid geometry, variation of functions, statistics, logic, vectors…the list goes on and I don’t want to make it too long…okay I just found out that SAT2 DOES test what we are learning so I take my word back. Maybe the basic area are similar. BUT SAT2 is A LOT easier. My math is in top 10% and another guy I know who is among top 40% still get a 800. Our school is quite good, but that guy spent way much longer time preparing.</p>