Yale Class of 2020 applicants


Maryland! Although I lived in Michigan until 8th grade.

International applicant (Romania) here!

Do you guys here at 5 pm EST?

for my timezone it’ll be 6 am on Wednesday - not sure if that’s good or bad



Texas. So I should hear at 4, but I’m actually in Colorado right now so it’ll be 3 and I might find out in the airport!

California, so I’ll hear back at 2!

Are we sure we’re finding out at 5 est?

California, so I’ll hear at 2 as well.

Big picture:
Final college admissions decision is not a direct reflection of your value/worth as a student or person. It could be a simple non-math/fit as assessed by the committee’s particular focus which could vary from incoming class to incoming class (year) and from university to university (STEM vs Non-STEM or which STEM they are trying to shore up, etc.). It may not be the right time (opportunities during undergraduate, graduate, etc.). Keep in mind that… “Top colleges are looking for well-rounded incoming classes, NOT well-rounded students. The key question is, WHO are you going to be in the incoming class? What talent of perspective do you bring to the incoming class that no one else brings? Do you have the potential to be a future leader in your chosen field” -SAC. It comes down to which SPECIALIST are they looking for at this particular time and are you the best match for that position. Don’t take it personal. As with sports there are many teams and some dire need of YOU. It may not always happen on the first try however, don’t give up and find your WHOLISTIC MATCH!!! Over 60% of 4.0/2400 students (with perfect GPA and SAT scores) are rejected by the most prestigious colleges. Be genuine and resilient in following your passion. Share your gifts and talent with others. When you do find your holistic match it will all be worth it and you will happily realize that it was all meant to be.


Well said!

@IfnousWHO - I also agree that you have stated this well. My daughter is one of those 4.0, 2400 students (as my son was not) and so many people say to her “Oh! You’ll get in everywhere!” and we know that this is definitely not the case. I know people don’t mean to do it, but it seems to put even more pressure on her, unfortunately. People who aren’t involved in this have NO idea how difficult it is,or what the odds really are. I think at this point she would just like to hide out and not have to answer any more questions about where she is applying, etc., etc., etc. She (and we) are ready for this to be over and realize that it most likely will not be until the end of March… I feel for all of you.

@germanshepmom - I feel for her and can relate to self-impose HIGH standards. I sometimes find myself getting carried away the same way. My advice to her (and myself) is to remember what drives her/our desire to excel in the first place. Bring back the focus to your passion. What makes you tick, what brings balance and a sense of well-being to your/our life/lives? Her academic abilities at this point are definitely not in question. The key is to remember the time when your love for learning and discovery was the driver of your actions and not a medal, ribbon or prestige. When you go back to basics and remember your passion and help others find theirs everything else will fall in place. We will do great at any school because our drive is based on the right values.

@IfnousWHO you are absolutely right. Especially in a smaller town with fairly low academic ambitions (almost everyone goes to a public state school), the two of us with 4.0/36 are held to such high standards and are expected to just be able to snap our fingers and get into whatever college we choose on a whim. (We’re the first two to have the scores in 5+ years) It’s always a sort of emotional challenge to A) not let down the community but B) still make the decision best for ourselves.

Pressure’s on ladies and gentlemen - we are One. Day. Out.

Hey all! I have been watching this thread for a while, and I finally decided I had to join you all for these last two days of the countdown. Anyone else from Ohio?


Decisions come out
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
We will see.
Just thinking about
Makes my stomach churn with joy and sorrow
At what could beeeeee
Tomorrow, tomorrow,
Yale tells us
It’s only a day away…
