Yale conservative?

<p>Writing essays for Chicago has made me think of some crazy essays.
However, Chicago and Yale are completely different..
Should I go more conservative and academical in Yale essays, especially in the supplemental essay? Like talk about how an experience shaped my theory of the world or something? Rather than get too creative?</p>

<p>I honestly think you should write whatever can make the best piece. I personally went more for the creative/ humorous route because I’m better at that sort of writing. Yale is a reach for EVERYONE and for that reason whatever style can make your essay shine is worth it if it could give you a leg up.</p>

<p>^ Spot on. Write what you think you can write best and what best represents who you are. If something really creative is what’s going to make you shine, go for it.</p>

<p>Just make sure that you’re not writing a fictional short story but are actually showing the adcoms who you are in your essay.</p>

<p>That’s actually really funny, because I submitted the same essay for Yale and UChic.</p>