Yale - Mental Health Policy


Few things stood out - 1st the horrible no leave must reapply policy and that all the students referenced were reliant on Yale’s health insurance vs covered by family. Am I naive or are a large % of college students covered by college vs family - another sad statement on our heath care system.

I would have never thought to understand my children’s schools policies unless there was a preexisting condition and was shocked by this article and treatment of these young adults.

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Seems like a good solution to a complicated problem. Many students, particularly those on financial aid, are on the school’s medical insurance plan.

I know that Harvard treats medical issues the same way as described here, not just mental health issues. Students with migraines, cancer, epilepsy, etc. are not allowed on campus.

I am unclear but it appears students at Yale with mental health issues do not actually have to “reapply” but they have to pass muster running a gauntlet of requirements and interviews. Again, ditto for medical issues.

I always thought this made sense. What doesn’t make sense is that if you leave in the fall, you are out for almost a whole year.

Reduced course loads can make a huge difference but colleges then have to pay financial aid over a longer period of time.

I don’t see why insurance is such a big issue, with the Affordable Care Act. Students are already paying $3k+ for the college plan if not on their parents’ plan (if parents are on Medicaid).

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