<p>Is the current one on their website the updated one for this year? It's been up there for a while and doesn't have a date on it so I don't know if it's the right one. There is a link to the PDF on the admissions page since the online is definitely not out yet. Thanks!</p>
<p>I’m still waiting on the commonapp website and it’s not there…hopefully soon though :]
I think the one on the website is last year’s.</p>
<p>Just so you know, I checked online and Yale says the supplement will be up in mid-August.</p>
<p>I think that’s when it was last year.</p>
<p>lol colleges use the SAME apps every year (notice how it’s not dated)
the MIT one is also up</p>
<p>i emailed yale and it said the supplement would be available July 1st. this is exaxtly what they said: "There is a new Yale Supplement released every year. It’s available every July 1st with the Common Application, so you should be able to access it now on <a href="https://www.commonapp.org/CommonApp/default.aspx">https://www.commonapp.org/CommonApp/default.aspx</a>." but the link says it is not available yet.</p>
<p>no -<em>-
<a href=“http://www.yale.edu/admit/freshmen/application/pdf/yale”>http://www.yale.edu/admit/freshmen/application/pdf/yale</a></em>supplement_paper.pdf</p>
<p>100% sure that’s it</p>
<p>[Paper</a> Submission of the Application | How to Apply | Application to Yale College | Freshmen | Office of Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://www.yale.edu/admit/freshmen/application/how/paper.html]Paper”>http://www.yale.edu/admit/freshmen/application/how/paper.html)
rest of the forms</p>
<p>if ya haven’t noticed, college apps never change from year to year!</p>
<p>haha its true somehow I’m not surprised that Yale asks for a second essay, lol…
does anyone know if we can reuse that essay on a supplement to another school? or is that not allowed?</p>
<p>What you do is up to you, in terms of recycling essays. It’s perfectly acceptable, so long as you don’t blatantly ignore a prompt.</p>
<p>Also, Yale’s supplement did slightly change from last year’s. The new one is on their website.</p>
<p>It’s basically the same but 2 of the short takes changed.</p>
<p>Two short takes is a world of difference.</p>
<p>Wow glad I found this! In terms of recycling essays, you wouldn’t want to use an essay that responded to a prompt for another ivy or big name school, because Yale would know this right away. But if it’s a lesser known school or you chose the topic and are using it for more than one school, you should be set!</p>
<p>I e-mailed Yale also and the guy (sincerely, John '12) bascially said “Oh, it’s not up yet?! Well it should be soon so hang tight”</p>
<p>Yale…get a move on! I can’t focus on any of my other supps because I just NEED to fill out this one.</p>
<p>That’s the new supplement because under the section “Have you applied to Yale previously?” it states 2008-2009 meaning this is the supplement for 2009-2010.</p>
<p>Hahah. It sounds like John '12 didn’t even know that it wasn’t up yet. COOOME ON YALE.</p>