I am in sales and commissions make up a large part of my gross pay. My yearly income can vary by $70,000 I happened to have a good year in 2018 which are the numbers that I am going to have to use on the FAFSA forms as our son will be entering college in 2020. Is there any recourse to utilize an average of a few years rather than just a single year for reporting purposes?
No recourse on the FAFSA itself, but you can talk to individual financial aid offices about applying “professional judgment” based on your circumstances. I don’t think your situation is particularly unique. If you had a good year in 2018, one would think that means more money to make up part of the EFC, right? Save more in the good years to tide you over in the not-so-good years.
How is 2019 going?
I would think you might be able to make a case if 2019 income is much lower?
The year is half over…how is it going?
Also, do you take business deductions? If so, CSS profile schools may use a calculation that is harsh.
In the years when your income is lower, your EFC will be lower. You would need to show that the higher number is a one time, not likely to reoccur event for a school to consider a change. That doesn’t sound like it’s the case.
The colleges do not average over a number of years.
Also, if the colleges don’t meet full need guaranteed for all, this might not matter in bit.
Ask if they reevaluate your basis, if you have a lower year. Just in case one of your targets sets expectations in first year.
You can ask. Especially if you have the last several years back that support the situation and with 2019 lower as well.
I have a friend whose husband got a one time retirement//Severence payout and requested consideration for s number of reasons. She was roundly denied.