<p>So now that regular decisions are done, it's crunch time for juniors, myself included. Am I a strong applicant? </p>
<p>Applying to:</p>
<p>Yale EA (If accepted, I won't apply anywhere else.)
U of Penn
U of Chicago
U of M
Johns Hopkins
Boston College
<p>Location: Michigan
Ethnicity: Hispanic immigrant (Cuban)
Sex: Female
First generation college student, low income.</p>
<p>GPA (W): 4.06 (My school's weighted GPA is strangely designed so that the highest a student can receive is a 4.2, which I'm pretty sure has never happened. The highest colleges will see my GPA will be a 4.08.)
Rank: 1/442</p>
<p>I've taken the hardest courses available at my school, which by the way is very urban and inner city. We are considered by Johns Hopkins to be a drop out factory, which pretty much says it all. </p>
<p>ACT: 26 (Will retake and expect a 30.)</p>
<p>Will take the SAT Subject Tests in US History, World History, and Lit.</p>
AP US History (5)</p>
AP Biology
AP American Gov.
AP Spanish (Self-study)
AP Psychology (Self-study)</p>
AP Environmental Science
AP Statistics
AP English
AP European History
AP World History (Self-study)</p>
*Editor-in-Chief of high school newspaper
*Academic Decathlon
*Excellers (President)
- Chief Coordinator or a school-wide International Day that showcased diversity and cultures. The club itself is devoted to diversity and community service.
*County Youth Commission (Secretary)
- Co-Chair of the Community Service Committee
- Chair of the Government Education Committee
*NHS (Vice President)
*4-H Peer Mentoring Program
- Created a peer education workshop program for middle schoolers and high schoolers with Michigan's 4-Hon college preparation.
*Girls to Women Conference
- In the process of organizing a conference on issues young girls have to combat as they reach womanhood.
*Currently working on implementing a program for at-risk girls through a community center.</p>
<p>Possible Major & Minor:</p>
<p>Sociology, with a Minor in Women's Studies</p>
<p>Community Service
221+ volunteer hours</p>
<p>Work Experience:
Library Page at a local library; 10 hours/week.</p>
Peter Jennings Project for Journalists and the Constitution Student Fellow
- I was the only student selected from Michigan to go to this convention for high school journalists in Philadelphia. The entire trip was covered, so it wasn't one of those run-of-the-mill youth programs you get in the mail.
Honor Roll
Ventures Scholar
Sophomore of the Year (School Award)
Academic Decathlon 3rd place in Speech
Academic Decathlon 3rd place in Interview
Academic Decathlon Highest Team Scorer</p>
<p>Well... chance away!</p>