You got some siblings and I dont like it!

<p>Nah, no one's got siblings, but I'm applying early action to MIT.</p>


<p>GPA: 99.3 Weighted. They havent released unweighted, or a 4.0 scale, but in any case I'd be a 4.0 UW.</p>

<p>We don't rank either, but the only other person who could possibly be ranked higher than me has a weighted average a point lower. Meh, w/e, top 5 % is what they put.</p>

<p>SAT I: Math - 800, Writing - 780 (72/12), CR - 770</p>

<p>SAT II: Chemistry (790), Physics (800/didn't take any course for intro physics), Math 2 (800), USH (770)</p>

<p>Courseload by year:</p>

English 9 H
Global I H
Biology H
Spanish 3
Computer Science
Algebra II
Precalculus (distance education)</p>

English 10 H
AP Euro (5)
AP Biology (Distance Ed) (5)
Chemistry H
Spanish 4
AP Computer Science (5)
AP Calculus BC (5)</p>

AP USH - 5
AP Chemistry (self study) - 5
AP Physics (Mech. at school, E & M at local community college) - both 5s
AP English Language - 4
AP Environmental Science (self study) - 4 (I don't know or wanna know why)
AP Computer Science AB (self study) - 4 (see above explanation)
AP Statistics - 5
Multivariable calculus (Distance ed)</p>

<p>senior year:
AP English Literature
AP Government (self study)
AP Economics (independent study)
Music Theory (ind. study)
Organic Chemistry (local community college, honestly if I dont make camp after this I deserve nothing in life)
Linear Algebra/Differential Equations/Real Analysis (Distance Ed.)</p>

Sports: XC, Spring track - I completely phailed this year in both activities, so I doubt there's a chance for any type of hook attached to doing these sports from 10th to the present</p>

<p>Science Research: 200 hours last summer in the Science Research Training Program - My project involved cloning a membrane protein in a tick-transmitted parasite known as Babesia divergens. My latest project is on scoliosis....entering STS of course.</p>

Math team - president (9-12)
Academic team - founder, president (10-12)</p>

<p>Community Service:
Spanish, Math, Physics Tutor - 10, 11, 12</p>

<p>Job: Desk clerk and website manager of the health club I've been a regular member of for 2 years, 15 hours a week since the beginning of the school year (not sure if this need be put in)</p>

2006, 2007 AIME qualifier and AMC 12 winner (Yeah, I had to bring the AMC competitions to our school in 2006 since we're so isolated)
2006, 2007 NYSML qualifier
2007 USNCO semi-finalist (2nd in section, 1st in county on local exam)
2006 AP Scholar with Honor
2007 AP National Scholar
2007 Harvard Book Award (yeah...not great at all but w/e)
2007 National Merit Semifinalist</p>

<p>Miscellaneous: A friend (well, he's more of just a helper) and I started a business (PM or AIM @ kyoukasuigetsu5 for the name and website, since it's not worth your time going on just yet...wait a month or so) that's going to sell some marketable (believe me >_>) shirts, my book (self-published), and maybe a few tutorial videos.</p>

<p>Essays: Great in that I kept it mad original/real, and my short "free-time" essay is boss (TB posted in the essay forum). My long essay was about how my major choke at the state geography Bee was actually a blessing that led to an improvement of my life in all aspects.</p>

<p>Recs: Both teachers allegedly gave me "top reviews", but I waived my right to see the recs, so I'll take their word for it with a grain of salt.</p>

<p>Interview: went great.</p>

<p>So, yeah, feedback would be appreciated. I wont be bummed out if I dont get in, and I know a lot of EA applicants get deferred anyway.</p>

<p>If you don't get in, I will cry for you.</p>

<p>Honestly. But no one can tell you for sure, of course. But god, if you don't get in, I'm looking at UMich next year.</p>

<p>You didn't submit to Siemens? If not, I think it's a coin toss. I don't see any big awards. USNCO isn't that big. Every year, four or five people qualify from my school and most don't even bother to take it. You can qualify (or at least people in my school can) by just paying attention and doing well in AP Chem. On the other hand, we have three USAMO qualifiers in history. So 50%?</p>

<p>Lol, well I think my chances would be lower than that, but how would not entering Siemens affect my chances? I'm doing an ISEF project too (forgot to add that)...</p>

<p>It wouldn't. but if you did and won, it would help a lot.</p>

<p>Impressive profile. MIT ought to take you.</p>

<p>Yeah but I already said I'm doing STS lol....and I wish AP National Scholar was a "big award" but oh well =/ (<em>remembers how APs favor the economically advantaged</em>)</p>

<p>Intel STS results don't come back until January, so it won't help your EA app for sure.</p>

<p>Eh, what's done is done I guess. </p>

<p><---relying on essays and recs to "make up" (LOL) for it</p>

<p>Sometimes I wonder what crack people are smoking when I read their answers to these threads.</p>

<p>MIT can pick and choose among the best in the country/world. Saying that it "ought" to take any one person is usually a stretch. Saying that someone has a 50% chance of being accepted is meaningless.</p>

<p>However, I think you've got a pretty strong application. Your stats are more than high enough. Your level of motivation for/dedication to pursuing educational opportunities in math/science is quite impressive. The fact that you have so much research experience already will look quite good. If you won big awards, that would be nice, but if you haven't it is not going to keep you out (I always get a laugh out of the people who think you can't get in unless you've won ISEF/Siemens/a national or international olympiad) - you have a lot of stuff going for you here.</p>

<p>good chance. keepin' it real.</p>

<p>lol, I wonder if I kept it too real...I didnt use overly-colloquial language, but one of my essays said the word "drugs" OMGZ :O</p>

<p>One of my essays included this quote: "Where you under the influence when you wrote this essay?!?" Ha, ha. It's not as strange as it sounds...</p>

<p>Anyway, I think that your application is very solid, and you sound like a well-rounded and dedicated person. I remember talking to you on CC about USNCO... Chance threads are stupid, but I will say that you definitely deserve to be accepted.</p>

Chance threads are stupid


<p>Agreed, but you know what the philosophy is: If noobs can make them then so can I XD</p>