<p>hey! my mom's a 6th generation Texan...doesn't that mean I'm only a semi-foreigner? lol, plus, it snows less in San Francisco than in Texas.....</p>
<p>well...it depends on what you're counting as "Texas." Amarillo and the rest of West Texas (which is pretty much like a completely different state) don't count; they get snow all the time. And I'd forgotten, but yeah you told me that before. So I guess you're not as much of a foreigner :)</p>
<p>my grandparents so badly wanted me to follow in my mom's footsteps and go to UT Austin......oh well......I'll see more snow this way! lol</p>
<p>that's true. But UT's awesome. It was my "last-choice" school, but I seriously would have loved to have gone there. Plus they're the Rose Bowl champs; you can't bet much bedda dan dat! Agreed on the snow, though.</p>
<p>yeah....my gparents had a rose bowl party and I think they and their....well...let's say, elderly....friends nearly had heart attacks</p>
<p>idk...if you look at the bidder history...the same person would bid on it like 5 times....so does anyone know when this person will be one letterman</p>
<p>HOLY CRAP! I COULD BE A BILLIONAIRE! WANNA BUY SNOW? ASK ME! ONLY 100 DOLLARS! THATS IT! 100 DOLLARS! I'll even ship it to you for free! omg omg omg. im rich! </p>
<p>i live in alaska. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaaha.</p>
<p>Hobbes will be the first of us CCers to make a million bucks.</p>
<p>lol hobbes! an alaskan snowball could sell for at least 500$, they're so rare...</p>
<p>hobbes, what kind of chemistries have been (ab)using? :-P</p>
<p>haha phil, i hate UT, but only for the reason that frikken everbody in Tx applies there, not too mention 280 people from my school. but it is a good school and a cool place with the exception of the population thats bigger than some nations.</p>
<p>lol...I bet UT could be it's own nation if it really wanted...or maybe it could eat a couple of smaller ones like Monaco and the like. mmmm....bet they taste like Jolly Ranchers. <em>rubs tummy</em></p>
<p>haha. what school do you go to phil? and thats unfortunate about the snow ;)</p>
<p>well, i shan't post the name, but i'll give you a hint. take the file type that was the most common way to put music on the web back in the '90s, subtact the final vowel, then take the last part of the last name of the witch doctor from Bewitched, change the "m" to a "w," and you have it :)</p>
<p>sicarii, instead of going to the trouble to solve phil's puzzle, just know that he doesn't live in Houston.</p>
<p>good going, bokon.</p>
<p>if you want to give me a nickname, you can call me ol' bokey
<p>praise be! i finally know the nickname. 'cause yeah, bokonon just doesn't fly, and all other attempts have failed. so ol' bokey works. ol' bokey...ol' fogey...ol' bokey. nice.</p>
<p>whatever he posts, it's a lie. it's a lie!</p>
<p>After finding the "way to put music on the web back in the '90s" I had to find the name... unfortunately there were ten damn bewitched movies on the net so I had to use my espionage skills:</p>
<p>gloukouglouk: what's the [school's] name?
gloukouglouk: it'll be minutes to find the damn doc's name
Philashaun: <em>leans back in lawn chair</em>
Philashaun: <em>sips umbrella drink</em>
gloukouglouk: ok, just you wait
Philashaun: then minutes it shall be ;-)
gloukouglouk: are you talking about the old or the new bewitched btw?
Philashaun: old, of course
gloukouglouk: btw, what city do you live in?
Philashaun: [insert city here]
gloukouglouk: [insert school name here], loser =)
gloukouglouk: collegeboard.com ;-)</p>
<p>The phil riddle solved!!!!</p>