You have to be kidding me

<p>yeah, i definitely walked right into that one.</p>

<p>hAHAHHA he beat me to it =)</p>

<p>ok im really confused....</p>

<p>sorry. it was a random thing related to the riddle answering the question as to which school I attend posed earlier in the thread.</p>

<p>yea i got that but then didnt understand the rest, o well, as i dont really care what school u go to, it doesnt mater too mcuh to me</p>

<p>I forgot to mention that gloukouglouk is my aim</p>

<p>That reminded me of the notpron riddle; it gave me nightmares >.<</p>

<p>notpron. ¿qué es?</p>

<p>im assuming thats an ED thing that I as a pathetic RD applicant wouldnt understand</p>

<p>(poor me : ( im an outcast)</p>

<p>not porn?</p>

<p>sure you are. no, i'm just kidding. you're not. unless you feel that way, in which case you are. but you're not. so there.</p>

<p>and no, it wasn't an ED inside joke. it was just...a riddle :)</p>

<p>lol thanks for the reassuance, ok, im so bored, this board needs to be more interesting, btu everyone else is out having a life on friday night....</p>

<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>have's hella hard and there are 80 levels. Purpose is to get to the next page through user/pass, changing url, etc. You have to look at the source or solve riddles. I wonder if any of you will even do it...</p>

<p>eww i tried, but i have no patience, so i quit, lol that was apathetic try...</p>

<p>YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME, this riddle is really hard... Actually it's so hard it's worth putting on an app, even though it won't make sense to anybody :-P
Let's see lvl5 and going on</p>

<p>hey only 75 more to go :p</p>

<p>zante: I woke up after 4 hours to continue the riddle =)</p>

<p>wow its really tough</p>

<p>what's source?
and "he entered the new world", isn't that asking us to press ENTER?</p>

<p>EDIT: Silly me, got it already. But what's source code?</p>

<p>I quit for today I have other things to do... I've been trying the 12th one for two hours with no result... </p>

<p>Whoever is able to pass even the first few (five or six) gets my utmost respect, not to speak for those who finish the game...</p>

<p>Let me end this post with some poetry:
Me Hungry,
Me Hunt Food,