<p>I solved the "school" riddle, I believe (I crossed-checked it online to be sure it was a school). I'll PM Phil to see.....</p>
<p>Is that poetry or a ridde, randomgr. </p>
<p>The source is the html/coding of the page.
Click: View --> Source</p>
<p>In fourth [<a href="http://deathball.net/notpron/true/gototheothersite.htm%5D%5B/url">http://deathball.net/notpron/true/gototheothersite.htm][/url</a>]... I have just increased brightness of the screen, claiming, that my room is bright :D.
Why the did not transfer me to 5th automatically ;)?</p>
<p>You still have to figure out the password, etc.</p>
<p>I know. It was a joke. I figured the password out already.</p>
<p>Wait A Second!!!! The Winning Bid Is Only 92 Dollars...check Out The Site Again..idk About You Guys, But I Think That Somethng Is Kind Of Fishy....</p>
<p>That Last Message Was In Caps Lock But Cc Changed It For Some Reason...weird...</p>