<p>Any ideas for a unique "About Me" On Facebook? I feel as if mine is too generic :( What does yours say? (excluding personal information of course )</p>
<p>Mine doesn’t say anything. I don’t know what to say. I want to say something witty or interesting, but I can’t think of anything.</p>
<p>get to know meeee (: <3</p>
<p>r.m s.t a.s p.p looooOoOove you girls !</p>
<p>^ text meee! jk brb ily…</p>
<p>Mine says “It’s not about me.”</p>
<p>^ That’s good, babe. Keep it up.</p>
<p>I only have favorite quotes and that’s, “Discover the unknown.” Yeah, brah. Yeah.</p>
<p>“actually, great minds don’t think alike.”
honestly that is a big pet peeve of mine when people say it, I couldn’t disagree more with it.</p>
<p>it’s a giant list of my likes and dislikes. probably really stupid but it works</p>
<p>ehh I’ll just post mine. It’s the most unique of anyone’s - might give u some ideas.</p>
<p>New profile (old deactivated). Chances are that if I add you, that either I like you or I probably want to talk to you more or both (and am not extremely scared of you).</p>
<p>If you think I’m interesting, feel free to friend me/contact me. =) (in fact, please do so).</p>
<p>I have <em>a lot</em> of respect for <em>all</em> of the sciences. Tactically, I’m developing heuristics for rationality, impartiality, anti-laziness, and creation+identification+searching for what’s relevant+reliable. Strategically, I just want to learn everything.</p>
<p>INTP, RLUEI, Chaotic Neutral</p>
<p>Also I have inattentive ADD and Asperger’s.</p>
<li>I <em>really</em> like to understand the world/universe. Everything about it. So I like filling in gaps in my knowledge. Like economics (which I neglected for a long time). I also like exploring theories and the consistency of them too. But time is limited.</li>
<li>I prefer anything that’s written to things that are spoken. I like to reference things later. Plus, listening is quite taxing on working memory (and I’m prone to missing things which can completely hurt my ability to comprehend things that reference such things), whereas with reading – I can go back to look at things that I’ve missed. Not only that, but it’s a lot faster to read than to listen. I’m pretty bad at listening – in fact – I failed the WASL Listening test (on a test that 93% of Washington 7th graders passed)</li>
<p>I don’t do that much other than read (and search/data-mine) since there are A LOT of interesting things and I often feel like it would be a waste for me to do anything redundant if I can read something interesting instead (since there aren’t enough hours in the day for me to read everything I want to read). Also reading pretty much guarantees a basic novel stimuli to a<em>time+b</em>money ratio. I oftentimes want to socialize more though.</p>
<p>I pretty much have to carve my own path through life, so I research the **** out of everything I do (just so that I can get an idea of costs+risks+benefits). Most of the individual things I do are with precedent - it’s just that the permutation of them (across time) is without precedent.</p>
<p>I’m massively curious (although my attention span sucks) and don’t really notice social conventions</p>
<p>Please forget anything I did before 2009. =) (well to <em>some</em> people it can be amusing)</p>
<p>Here’s my old one:</p>
<p>EditEdit Personal Information</p>
EDIT as of 08/28/08: this is my fbook profile as it was when I was less mature (I know what you’re thinking – I wasted a lot of time on fbook in the past). I rarely go on facebook now but don’t feel like editing out the embarrassing parts of my past.</p>
<p>^^^^^E-MAIL: <a href="mailto:AVIAN_NEUTRINO@gmail.com">AVIAN_NEUTRINO@gmail.com</a>^^^^^</p>
<p>(yeah i live off my gmail account. if gmail went down i’d be screwed)</p>
<p>I also read lots of blogs. blogroll @</p>
<p><a href=“http://STUPID-PARROT-THAT-INVADES-BIRDNESTS.blogspot.com%5B/url%5D”>http://STUPID-PARROT-THAT-INVADES-BIRDNESTS.blogspot.com</a></p>
<p>Forum-wise, I just read one forum regularly for now…, <a href=“http://www.shouldleaveout.com/cgi-bin/forums/display.cgi?action=t&fn=2[/url]”>http://www.shouldleaveout.com/cgi-bin/forums/display.cgi?action=t&fn=2</a></p>
<p>I don’t do that much other than read (and search/data-mine) since there are A LOT of interesting things and I often feel like it would be a waste for me to do anything redundant if I can read something interesting instead (since there aren’t enough hours in the day for me to read everything I want to read). Also reading pretty much guarantees a basic novel stimuli to a<em>time+b</em>money ratio. I oftentimes want to socialize more though.</p>
<p>archiving pages and threads (esp. threads mods will end up deleting), Ctrl-F, reading sciencedaily, writing (of a philosophical and psychological nature), anticipating anticipation, anticipating inefficiency, self-studying, helping other ppl self-study, circumventing Web 2.0 bloatware, reading non-fiction (see books below), asking questions, thinking, fulfilling (self-perceived) necessary but not sufficient conditions, data-mining intelligence/insight/creativity, investigating the interaction between pure logic and our very arbitrary uncannily pattern-following environment, posting inane threads, convincing people of “potential” ability, getting things jammed cuz im awkward, searching for items of potential interest (often with Web 2.0) + empty niches, showing not telling (though i often fail at that), reading trolly comments on youtube/digg/slashdot/fark/somethingawful/shouldleaveout/urbandictionary/yahoo answers/wikipedia page histories/*********/CC/facebook/blah</p>
<p>At times and (in the past) sometimes to excess: computer games and online forums</p>
some more info about me:
- psh, I can be a lot less serious than I appear here. =D
- I can actually be really nice when I’m not avoidant. in fact, I was <em>known</em> for being extremely nice when I was younger.
- actually i’m dealing with my insecurities over intelligence (and the relationship between effort and progress, which isn’t always present especially when I’m working on the same problem for 10 straight hours >.< [and <em>still</em> make no progress]) right now, but I think I’ll get over them in 1.5-2 years, and I’ll be “better”/friendlier then
- I <em>really</em> like to understand the world/universe. Everything about it. So I like filling in gaps in my knowledge. Like economics (which I neglected for a long time). I also like exploring theories and the consistency of them too. But time is limited.
- I’ve had misanthropic strands in the past, but I don’t dislike individuals and actually like something about everyone. Everyone’s life is interesting in one way or another. But socializing is exhausting since I have to repeat the same things about myself again and again.
- I prefer anything that’s written to things that are spoken. I like to reference things later. Plus, listening is quite taxing on working memory (and I’m prone to missing things which can completely hurt my ability to comprehend things that reference such things), whereas with reading – I can go back to look at things that I’ve missed. Not only that, but it’s a lot faster to read than to listen. I’m pretty bad at listening – in fact – I failed the WASL Listening test (on a test that 93% of Washington 7th graders passed)
- yes I may have some “scary” groups and political views; but I don’t really act on them. I actually like anything i perceive as unpopular.
…i pretend to like birds, but truth be told, they are boring and repetitive most of the time even if they’re so cute and innocent. corvids might be far less repetitive than the others though.</p>
<p>my <em>primary</em> interests (since childhood) are biology and astronomy. various immaturities made me pursue other things in lieu of them. But I’m still focused on them. I’m not that much into astrobiology since it’s too speculative and since I highly doubt we’ll net anything <em>evidential</em> of it in a really long time (if we’ll net anything out of it at all). but it is fun to theorize about.</p>
<p>things i should get more interested in: cognitive science, systems biology, convex optimization</p>
<p>but really, anything interesting.</p>
<p>like intelligence (which might just be pattern recognition). and intelligence augmentation, intelligence emulation, alternative intelligences, etc…</p>
<p>also modafinil (which I so desire)</p>
<p><em>radical</em> education reform, positive feedback, ++possibility spaces in biology++ (aka theoretical biology), avian stereotypes, categorization/classification, animal intelligence (esp cetacean, pachyderm, avian/corvid types), intelligence+creativity, maximizing “perceived” time, ALL the social and natural sciences, possibility space, relativism, metarecognition, understanding understanding, shock tactics/shock therapy/searching for global optima, irreverent ideas, weird people (esp. socially ostracized ones), reductionism+contextualism, ketosis, Matthew Effect, computer games in education (admittedly most of them suck/are inefficient =P)</p>
<p>astronomy/chemistry/physics/biology/statistics/math, epistemology, combinatorial chemistry+biology+blahh, space colonization, alternative biochemistry/sociology/economics/intelligences/psychologies/maths/blah, computer games, computer games in education, online forums, economics, anything theoretical, anything empirical, biochemistry, sociobiology, biopsychology, psychoactive stimulants, social misfits, r/K selection theory, non-redundant stimuli, neurobiology, prisoner’s dilemma, cognitive psychology, abnormal psychology, animal flight zones, psychometrics, homeschooling/unschooling, dopamine, genetics, life extension, vegetarianism+calorie restriction, mitochondria, polyphasic sleep, consilience, arbitrary social constructs, metacognition, techno-progressivism, reflective equilibrium, overanalysis, attribution theory, lifehacks, transhumanism, exoplanets</p>
<p>also, prokaryotic diversity is more interesting than eukaryotic diversity, but eukaryotes are more interesting individually. technically, astronomy would have more diversity than anything else. but math is probably the best way to theorize diversity. diversity is all about combinatorics. diversity of systems is also interesting.</p>
<p>phosphodiesterase inhibitors, dopamine receptor agnonists, dopamine reuptake inhibitors, g protein-coupled receptors, protein kinase A, cAMP-dependent protein kinases, adenylate cyclase, [The general function of Gs is to activate adenylate cyclase, which, in turn, produces cAMP, which, in turn activates cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Further effects of Gs is thus found in function of cAMP-dependent protein kinase; , protein kinase translocates to the cell nucleus, where it activates a CREB protein. The activated CREB protein then binds to a CRE region, and is then bound to by a CBP (CREB binding protein) which coactivates it, allowing it to switch certain genes on or off. ]</p>
<p>lots of other things im trying to reduce my interest in too: military history (esp WWII + civil war), global warming, three kingdoms, and various other things</p>
<p>i have a soft spot for ■■■■■■■■ too; lolz. not sure if that’s desirable =P but hey, corvids are excellent IRL ■■■■■■. as are dolphins</p>
<p>dislikes: grains (and society’s overdependence on them) [diabetes ew], ad hoc explanations, overinclusive explanations/overgeneralizations, holier than thou types, institutions that interfere with self-studiers (aka formal education), and most of all, inefficiency + waste, cliches
Favorite Music:
<a href=“http://somafm.com/[/url]”>http://somafm.com/</a>, <a href=“http://sky.fm%5B/url%5D”>http://sky.fm</a></p>
<p>electronic, metal, Eurodance</p>
<p>I’m a <em>big</em> fan of MIDIs – don’t care much for lyrics</p>
<p><a href=“http://downloads.khinsider.com/[/url]”>http://downloads.khinsider.com/</a>, <a href=“Final Fantasy Shrine Forums”>Final Fantasy Shrine Forums, <a href=“http://www.mirsoft.info/gmb/games_list.php[/url]”>http://www.mirsoft.info/gmb/games_list.php</a>, <a href=“http://www.vgmusic.com%5B/url%5D”>http://www.vgmusic.com</a></p>
<p>Game soundtracks: Age of Empires II, Age of Wonders, Final Fantasy, Dynasty Warriors, doom, KOEI ROTK IV, Rise of Phoenix, lords of magic, wizardry 8, medieval total war, various battle scene songs, runescape, Legend of Cao Cao, Utopia</p>
<p>3ktheme.mid, utopia2.mid, …</p>
<p>oh i’ve downloaded timidity++ and loaded up new soundfonts to hear MIDI files differently</p>
<p>as for <em>normal</em> artists; i’m weak so i like some of the popular artists (tho dont care for the lyrics). especially the top artists from each language (easy to do on imeem)
Favorite TV Shows:
i stopped watching TV looooooooooooooooooooooong ago</p>
<p>but anyways, South Park (omg how surprising?!?!?!), Nova, Documentaries
Favorite Movies:
<strong>Good Will Hunting</strong>, A Beautiful Mind
Favorite Books:
<a href=“http://bluwiki.com/go/STUPID-PARROT-THAT-INVADES-BIRDNESTS/books[/url]”>http://bluwiki.com/go/STUPID-PARROT-THAT-INVADES-BIRDNESTS/books</a>, <a href=“http://www.edge.org/questioncenter.html[/url]”>http://www.edge.org/questioncenter.html</a>, <strong>Super Cruchers</strong> (Ayres), Crowdsourcing, Alex & Me: How a Scientist and a Parrot Discovered a Hidden World of Animal Intelligence–and Formed a Deep Bond in the Process, On Intelligence, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn), Consilience (E.O. Wilson), The Psychology of Science and the Origins of the Scientific Mind (Feist), <strong>Origins of Wealth (Beinhocker)</strong>, <strong>The Blank Slate (Pinker)</strong>, Origins of Genius (Simonton), The Scientist as Rebel (Dyson), Darwin’s Dangerous Idea (Dennett), The Extended Phenotype (Dawkins), ** The Selfish Gene (Dawkins)<strong>, Scientific Genius: A Psychology of Science (Dean Simonton), Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche), Towards a Genealogy of Morals (Nietzsche), Human All Too Human (Nietzsche), How the Mind Works (Pinker), The Brief History of Time (Hawking), **The Nurture Assumption (Harris)</strong>, No Two Alike (Harris), Romance of Three Kingdoms, Deschooling Society (Illich), Freakonomics, The Man Who Loved Only Numbers, Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns, The Quest for Consciousness (Koch), The Black Swan (Nicholas Taleb), <strong>Heaven in a Chip (Kosko)</strong>, Noise (Kosko), Outsmarting IQ: the Emerging Science of Learnable Intelligence (Perkins), The Synaptic Self (LeDoux), On Intelligence (Hawkins), The Executive Brain: Frontal Lobes and the Civilized Mind (Goldberg), The Quark and the Jaguar (Murray Gell-Mann), Why Smart People Can Be So Stupid (Sternberg), School’s Out (Perelman), Stuff of Thought (Pinker), The Science of Self-Control, <strong>The Wisdom of Crowds</strong>, <strong>Myth of the Rational Voter (Bryan Caplan)</strong>, The Prince</p>
<p>hi im testing limit here. heeeeeee
hi im testing limit here. heeeeeee
hi im testing limit here. heeeeeee
hi im testing limit here. heeeeeee
hi im testing limit here. heeeeeee
hi im testing limit here. heeeeeee
hi im testing limit here. heeeeeee</p>
<p>more favorite quotes @</p>
<p><a href=“http://AVIAN_NEUTRINOthoughts.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/favorite-quotes%5B/url%5D”>http://AVIAN_NEUTRINOthoughts.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/favorite-quotes</a></p>
<p>Favorite Quotations:
“As a filmmaker, I’m not interested in 9/11 […] it’s too small, history overwhelms it. The history of the world is like: He kills me, I kill him, only with different cosmetics and different castings. So in 2001, some fanatics killed some Americans, and now some Americans are killing some Iraqis. And in my childhood, some Nazis killed Jews. And now, some Jewish people and some Palestinians are killing each other. Political questions, if you go back thousands of years, are ephemeral, not important. History is the same thing over and over again.”
Woody Allen</p>
<p>“I will leave his other actions alone, as they were all alike, and they all succeeded, for the shortness of his life did not let him experience the contrary; but if circumstances had arisen which required him to go cautiously, his ruin would have followed, because he would never have deviated from those ways to which nature inclined him.”
<p>“Nihilism killed my superego”
<p>“Similarly, no one has been able to confirm any certain limits to the speed with which man can learn. Schools and universities have usually been organized as if to suggest that all students learn at about the same rather plodding and regular speed. But, whenever the actual rates at which different people learn have been tested, nothing has been found to justify such an organization. Not only do individuals learn at vastly different speeds and in different ways, but man seems capable of astonishing feats of rapid learning when the attendant circumstances are favorable. It seems that, in customary educational settings, one habitually uses only a tiny fraction of one’s learning capacities.”
Encyclopedia Britannica, Philosophy of Education</p>
<p>“You can know the name of the bird in all the languages of the world, but when you’re finished, you’ll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird. You’ll only know about humans in different places, and what they call the bird. So let’s look at the birds and see what it’s doing – that’s what counts!”
<p>“Feeble minds think alike far more often than great minds. But when great minds think alike, the conclusions are more likely to have converged independently [Newton vs. Leibniz].”
<p>“We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.”
“”Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.”
Marie Curie</p>
<p>“No matter how unsuccessful you are in life, no matter how much you leech off society, no matter how little intelligence you have, you still are an object of sociological/psychological curiosity.”
<p>“Animals are repetitious to the point of inanity” E.O Wilson</p>
<p>“Science is what we know; philosophy is what we don’t know.” Bertrand Russell</p>
<p>“Once set in motion, the process of questioning could come to but one end, the erosion of conviction and certitude and collapse into despair”</p>
<p>“Scholarly brinkmanship encourages the reader to draw the strongest conclusions, while allowing the authors to disavow this intenti
About Me:</p>
<p>“How can we bridge the gap between being and becoming – two concepts in conflict, yet both necessary to reach a coherent description of this strange world in which we live?”</p>
<p>“To be humble is to take specific actions in anticipation of your own errors.”</p>
<p>“if i have seen further, it is because i have stood on the shoulders of giants”</p>
<p>“I rebelled against formal schooling. I read tons of math/computer books, I loved academics and science, but I felt really oppressed by parents and teachers. That lasted all the way from high school to my mid-twenties.”
- Anon</p>
<h1>“all science is either physics or stamp collecting”</h1>
<p>Hey – I’ve been acting pretty evasively for a while – this is due to unresolved personal issues over the past few months – don’t take it personally if I act so evasively. Also, I’ve been exceptionally immature/emo in the near past, but do ultimately aim at changing that.</p>
<p><strong>I prefer e-mail/PM to all other forms of communication</strong></p>
<h1>^^^^^E-MAIL: <a href="mailto:AVIAN_NEUTRINO@gmail.com">AVIAN_NEUTRINO@gmail.com</a>^^^^^</h1>
<li>I prefer being approached than approaching ppl. But I’m very flattered if approached.</li>
<li>i’m very self-aware and perceptive. (those are actually my best traits).</li>
<li>I think <em>very</em> materialistically but like Christof Koch, I’m trying to find a way to envision some non-materialistic phenomenon compatible with science. unfortunately I highly doubt it is any one of the traditional gods</li>
<li>I’m lazy more often than I’d like to be and it frustrates me a lot</li>
<li>I like people who don’t judge others and are okay (and amused) with literally anything in possibility space</li>
<li>Curiosity is my most fundamental trait – its only limitation is time.</li>
<li>I will analyze pretty much anything to its fundamentals. I’m intensely philosophical. I’m capable of intense self-reflection that can last hours. At the same time, I don’t like growing up and still like to act silly</li>
<li>DON’T TAKE ANYTHING I SAY TOO SERIOUSLY. A LOT of what I say is based on exploring the consistency of different belief systems or on exploring new ways to motivate myself. Also I like proposing ridiculous explanations/hypotheses with very little chance of being insightful (because if you repeat the process you might end up at some insight). I also caricature my views online (just as a means of exploration). I’ve been sympathetic to belief systems incompatible with each other.</li>
<li>I have Asperger’s Syndrome, and I <em>now</em> realize that it’s <em>not</em> an excuse for anything</li>
<li>I can be easily internet stalked, so stalk me if you wish. But keep in mind that I lashed out for a period of time a short while ago (it still kind of continues to this day)</li>
<p>^tl; dr. but here’s mine:</p>
<pre><code>I seem shy at first, but then it’s like BAM i’m a different person. I like little kids because they’re so uncomplicated and inherently nice. I am a cat person (don’t hate me!). I love all kinds of music and i hate all kinds of sports (but i NFL GEAUX SAINTS). I like rainy days better than sunny days (only by a little
). I HATE wearing shoes (barefoot is the way to go!). I’m afraid of clowns, spiders, the dark, and being alone. Alone in the dark with spiders and clowns? Let’s not even go there. I miss New Orleans but New England is nice. I abhor math with a burning passion; history is my favorite subject. I’m weird and loud and i giggle at awkward times, but i like to think that i’m nice and non-judgmental (please tell me if i’m sorely mistaken). If you want to know anything else, get to know me! Also, I friggin LOVE Albert Einstein. He’s my hero. just sayin.
“Bio: I don’t even like Bio. I’ve always been a Math/Physics person.”</p>
<p>Wow that was awful. And you guys thought my ‘cognito’ pun was bad.</p>
<p>^^^tl;dr but I like some of your quotes</p>
<p>^your in-cognito pun was horrible imo (not that you care/know me, I lurk), but I actually laughed at that one, though that was partially because I am sleep-deprived at the moment</p>
<p>Mine’s pretty normal except for my (proud) collection of quotes that I will not share here due to tl;drness. But I have ‘freaking people out’ and ‘headbanging to slow songs’ listed among my interests.</p>
<p>InquisitiveOne, I love you. INTPs unite!</p>
<p>^ AGREED. That was…wow…really long. (@inquisitiveone).</p>
noo i’m a lonely boy :(</p>
<p>Basic Info: <strong>censored for my own privacy</strong></p>
<p>Bio: alles gut</p>
<p>Fav Quotations: “The poor son-of-a-b*tch.”</p>
I sort of know you - your name is familiar, but I’ll have to stalk your posts before I figure out who you are.
O.o You laughed at that? Don’t worry, you’ll feel better in the morning.</p>