<p>Hii all! Been a lurker here for a while and just created my first account!</p>
<p>I just began studying for my SATs and since I can't pay for a private class wanted to hear some of the ways you studied for the test. I've been on YouTube and have found some good videos to learn. Have you guys found that online video is the best way to study?</p>
<p>I’ve used videos too! I think it’s a good way to study as long as you’re also practicing! Haha I found some sat vocab songs on youtube too and downloaded them and put them on my ipod!
Good luck!</p>
<p>[Reason</a> Prep - YouTube](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/user/waystoimprove]Reason”>Brilliant Prep - YouTube) check this guy’s channel it had helped me alot hope it helps!!</p>
<p>Just as nany94 said, Reason Prep is amazing. I used his videos for SAT Writing and got myself a 720 Writing!</p>