yoyoyo my chances dawg?

<p>From the stats of Koreans that I know, your chances are pretty slim. Berkeley is a pretty good match for you.</p>

<p>Why did you take SAT II Korean? Almost no Korean applying to HYPSM takes Korean..</p>

<p>i took sat2 korean cus i didnt have anything else to take =[</p>

<p>what are the stats of the koreans that you know?</p>

<p>would my chances go up if i were to do well on my sat1 retake?</p>

<p>should i take another sat2 on january?</p>

<p>you. are. obviously. a. loser.</p>

<p>koreans are really smart =[ </p>

<p>good luck to you though you know. upping the satis would help i bet.</p>


<p>UCB/UCLA: Safe Match
UCSD: Safety
UCSC/UCR/UCSC: Super Safety</p>

<p>could you tell me my chances at the ivies after my sat1 retake?</p>

<p>yoyoyo your chances dawg.......good enough to go anywhere, but these days its a good part luck and demogrphics</p>

<p>well, i believe myself to be a lucky person.</p>

<p>but my demographics is crap =[</p>

<p>i hope my luck helps me get in!</p>

<p>To name some (All of them have around SAT I 2350 every SAT II nearly 800 More than 10 APs nearly all of them 5)</p>

<li>international olympiad winner</li>
<li>jazz pianist (released an album)</li>
<li>youth conference president</li>

<p>All in the same school!</p>

<p>Yeah, Koreans are overachievers and the competition's obviously tough. Ethnicity will probably go against you.. If you want to apply, do so. HYPSM is a reach for everyone. But always keep your matches and safeties in mind. I've seen people with almost perfect standardized testing scores not worry about their matches and safeties, and go somewhere lower than their standards.</p>

<p>but are they from a crappy school like mine?</p>

<p>only top few percent of our students go to 4 year universities and most dont even go to college.</p>

<p>and my school doesnt even offer 10 aps.</p>

<p>i hope that the colleges see this and give me some bonus points or something.</p>

<p>but yea, being a korean kid will hurt me a lot</p>

<p>No, they are from a competitive school with an impossible average SAT I score around 1500 (last year's). Well, that's their problem....</p>

<p>Then again, I'm probably more nervous than you are. (I applied Harvard EA this year) Good luck:)</p>

<p>i just took sat1. </p>

<p>i think i scored same on math, lower on verbal, but i freaking pwned writing.</p>

<p>im hoping for 800 on writing</p>

<p>yo dawg.. good luck wit everything..im also hoping to break 2300..but i don't really see it happening =( i need to raise my goddamn 760 in math to a 800.. i make soo many dumb mistakes. u have good chances most definately and if u get 2300+ then i tihnk u have a good chance at stanford, MIT etc...by good chance i mean still reach..but tis al good.</p>

<p>yea, i dont see myself breaking 2300s either....</p>


<p>anyone care to guess my chances for the HYPSMC??</p>

<p>if u get it right, i'll mail you a penny.</p>


<p>Your stats all seem extremely good- just get those SAT scores up a bit and I think you'll have a good shot anywhere, especially Hamburger U. :)</p>

<p>wth is Hamburger U</p>

<p>u got a great shot at all your schools (Harvard and Yale are never mathces for anyone, so just apply and see what happens)</p>

<p>I'm going to Hamburger U with a Super-sized major in McNuggetology!</p>

<p>i hope i get 2300 or im gonna get ****ed</p>

