Interaction with boys at all-girl schools

My daughter also attended Westover. She initially resisted the idea of any all-girls schools, because most of her friends had always been boys, and in middle school, she had actually experienced being bullied by girls. We looked at a number of all-girls and coed schools. She liked Westover best, and she maintained close friendships with boys at home… now she always says that she thinks an all-girls school was a great choice for her. She didn’t really enjoy the few coed dances she attended at Westover, though… she referred to them as “grindfests” and said they were not at all conducive to establishing friendships. She is now at a college that is techy and has loads of friends of all kinds (and a big shout out to Westover for preparing her so well for a rigorous STEM college!). Honestly, she was thrilled to be able to just be herself at Westover, with no boys around, not to have to worry about having a bad hair day, etc. She says she would choose an all-girls school again in a heartbeat (though she had ZERO interest in including a women’s college on her list, LOL). The benefits of a single-sex education definitely outweighed the drawbacks, in her experience.