2021 Prep School Decision Charts for CC

We made a chart to keep track of decisions for M10. When someone fills out the survey the bar chart should start appearing:


Please add: Cushing and Governors (it may be there) Thank you,

Added Cushing, Governor’s academy is already there - is that what you’re looking for?

Also, updated the chart so its sorted properly and we can see how many applied to each school…


Thank you! I love that it has a few local Boston day schools in there. I see Governors now. I am dying to know the acceptance rates this year. I can never find stats on Cushing. Thanks, CC

Can you please add BUA(Boston University Academy)? I’ve not heard anyone in the forum that’s applying to it and I can never find any information on it about it’s acceptance rates.

Just a small suggestion, perhaps for next time.

I think the chart would be more readable if the order were Accepted (Green) -Waitlisted (Yellow) - Rejected (Red) - Still Waiting (Black)


I think my form was counted twice–copying and pasting the initial link didn’t work

Great suggestion! Check it out now.

i deleted your first entry. The trick to being able to edit your entry is to bookmark the site after you click submit. Then it will have a link to Edit your response. (In the future, a sign in would be better).

Definitely! I’ll add it soon.

If anyone wants access to the survey and spreadsheet that backs the chart, just send me a PM.

Great thank you! I’m not sure if possible to change the order, but it seems like “waitlist” should be between “accepted” and “rejected.” Appreciate your work!

Thanks so much for this chart!! Very helpful to have decisions summarized into visual representation. Also…I’m hoping you deleted my first entry. Westtown was our “other” acceptance, but not sure if it’s worth adding or not.

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My “other” accepts were Pomfret and Suffield

@CC_Mike , Thanks for throwing yourself into this madness!

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Did you add Suffield?

Could you delete my responses to the survey please. I didn’t save the survey after I filled it out because Suffield wasn’t on it, but it is now. I would like to add Suffield to my survey response .
I like the updates you have done to the chart, much easier to read. I especially like the numbers added.
Thank you for all your effort and work!

@CC_Mike please remove my first survey submission, I couldn’t access it to edit my initial response, and therefore created a new one when I got all of my results. Thank you!

A few things:

  1. I cleaned up the data on the survey, but I could use some help to keep it clean if anyone is interested. :slight_smile: (PM me)
  2. I had to restrict this post to registered users because anonymous users were submitting data without a username that is hard to keep track of
  3. I added some summary stats at the top. I’ll see if I can compile a list of users and decisions like on the decision thread.

This is so helpful! I wanted to double check that my data made it through. I also wonder if the chart is glitchy. Choate and Deerfield had much higher application numbers hours ago and now they seem really low and lower enrollment schools seem disproportionately high.

Please add Pomfret.