Andover , Choate, Lawrenceville or Hotchkiss?

You’ve given us no information other than distance has ruled out Andover. There are already threads that include discussions about Lawrenceville, Hotchkiss, and Choate that discuss the school communities and campus and other features which might be the place to start.

If you want to continue with this thread, you will need to be much more specific about what your daughter and family are looking for and why she applied to each of the schools she did–especially if she ruled out one based on distance which was known before applying. All of the schools on her list are great. She has no bad decision so, unless she can be more specific about her wants and deal breakers, she might as well flip a coin; these schools are peers and more similar than not.

If campus surroundings are critical to the decision, these three schools DO vary in setting/location. Choate melds into the town of Wallingford with no walls or entrance/exit points. Students are free to wander about town as they please. Hotchkiss is in a remote location with a lake and a golf course. I understand Lawrenceville is a walled, enclosed community with entrance/exit points. None of these settings affect the quality of education at each but may affect your daughter’s happiness with her surroundings.