BS/MD Results - Fall 2021 cycle

This thread is to post the stats and feedback/reflection from students / parents to post the BS/MD Acceptance at the end of the cycle. Below is a post from a student of previous cycle to provide the sample format.
This is a very nice post from a previous year’s results thread. You can copy & paste & update with your details when you post. Thank you so much in advance to help future students / parents.

Important Note: Please post only results. If you have questions and discussion topics, please use the other thread which will have the year and BS/MD applicant in the title.

******* SAMPLE POST *****

Posting for my daughter …

GPA: 4.0 (UW), 4.75 (W) at the time of application

Class Rank: NA; Class Size 350+

ACT: 34
SAT: 1510

SAT Subject Tests:
Chemistry: 800
Math 2: 800
Bio: 800

AP’s (at time of application)

AP Calculus BC: 5;
AP Physics C-Mechanics: 5;
AP Computer Science A: 5;
AP Biology - 4;

AP Chemistry and AP Statistics (both will be taken this year);

IB – MYP certificate.

Teacher / Counselor Recs: Not seen but assume to be Very Strong, teachers knew my daughter well and mutual respect existed at both ends.

State: PA
Gender: F
Ethnicity: Non-Caucasian
Income: >150k
Hooks: None


  • SWENext Northrop Grumman Community Award – Winner
  • Aspirations in Computing Affiliate (Regional) Award Winner and Honorable Mention
  • Associate Scientist Award (Regional Science & Engineering Fair)
  • Junior Scientist Award (Regional Science & Engineering Fair)
  • Top 5 International Finalist at a well-known competition
  • Data Jam - Winner (twice) (also Captain)

Major ECs:

  • FIRST Robotics - member; Qualified four times for World Championships in the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)
  • Piano - 10+ years ; Winner of competitions
  • Martial Arts - 3rd degree Black belt – 10+ years
  • Golf - High School JV and Varsity team — 4 years
  • Music technology - 3 years


  • AMIE / Math League
  • Verizon App Challenge
  • Cultural Communications Alliance International Marketing Competition

Community Service:

  • President of the Local Youth Chapter of a foundation focused on education (involvement > 5 years)
  • Volunteer - at an Independent Senior community &
  • Volunteer - at a Rehabilitation and Wellness Center:
  • Teaching and playing piano to patients needing memory support due to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Medically related activities:

  • Physician Shadowing
  • Research Assistantship at a local University
  • Research Survey at a Medical center

Mentoring/ Teaching:
Peer Tutoring: Tutor other students at school in the subjects of Chemistry and Geometry.
Robotics: Founded a FLL Team and mentored middle school kids; mentored 3 other FLL / FTC teams
Martial Arts: Volunteered to teach children

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:

  1. Northwestern HPME - interviewed - ACCEPTED
  2. PennState / Jefferson - interviewed - ACCEPTED
  3. Stony Brook Scholars for Medicine - interviewed - ACCEPTED
  4. Drexel/Drexel - interviewed - ACCEPTED
  5. Temple/ Temple - interviewed - rejected (accepted undergrad with scholarships)
  6. Hofstra - interviewed - rejected (accepted undergrad with scholarships)
  7. UPitt GAP, CaseWestern, URochester, UCinncinati - rejected pre-interview (accepted undergrad with scholarships)
  8. Rice/Baylor, Brown PLME - waitlisted undergrad; rejected BSMD
  9. BU, UConn - rejected
  10. GW - withdrew

Applied to the following undergraduates:

  1. Carnegie Mellon - Computer Science - ACCEPTED

DECISION: Northwestern HPME
Scholarship: None


It is a Roller-Coaster ride; be prepared for a long 6 month ride!
God only knows what these admissions committee folks look into the applications;
Interview acceptance or rejections APPEAR to have NO relationship with your score or accomplishments; a “higher” rank university may invite you for an interview and you may be rejected by a “lower” ranked university!
So apply to 10-15+ programs and pray for the best.

Somethings we learned:

  • About 3500-4000 students apply for BSMD programs. If you add up the BS/MD seats available across all universities, they are < 500. So, you know the odds of getting in.
  • Many universities prefer in-state students e.g. NJ, TX, CT, OH universities.
  • Universities constantly re-calibrate their yields - i.e. ratio of offers to accepted students. For example, Rice this year had over 2000 applications compared to 750 last year. But they sent offer acceptances to 199 this year compared to 233 last year. You may be on the wrong side of their yield management.
  • UPitt: Apply only if you have a FULL score on SAT or ACT; it is a wasted effort otherwise. It has an OUT-of-state preference (one of the odd ball universities in this regard).
  • Rice/Baylor: they have 6 seats; RICE will send around 200 applications to Baylor and Baylor will invite 25. Odds for out-of-state are low.
  • UCinncinati: If out of state, put it on a very low priority; very strong in-state preference.
  • Same for UConn - if out of state, do not waste your time.
  • BU: should change its name to “Mute” university for lack of any communications.
  • Rice/Baylor and Brown PLME - I would like to call them “apply and forget” - after applying, think about them only after March 21.
  • Northwestern: HPME program officials were absent for HPME session on Admitted Student days; I believe this is not respecting time and money parents spend visiting the university; excellent HPME student interactions - kudos to them; Regular Undergrad faculty present for other sessions - good interactions with them; good vibe at the campus.
  • Penn/Jeff: The best and most well organized interview day. Kudos to the university. Great speakers; good financial aid session; excellent student interactions; good vibe at the campus.
  • Stonybrook: No parent sessions; could not form any opinion about the school/ program; student-to-student interactions with WISE students; daughter like the university.
  • Hofstra Medical: Very good and small group parent session; very informative and open to all kinds of questions; other universities should emulate them.
  • Temple: Was chaotic.
  • Drexel: was on a Saturday; limited student or faculty interaction; informative session and Q&A.

Lastly, be judicious about the time you spend on College Confidential. Spending more time here DOES NOT increase your chances of acceptance. But it can definitely increase your anxiety levels, especially as folks get interview calls. But, it remains a great source of information and support.

Thank you for a great forum and all the best to future aspirants!
I will be lurking around!


Wasn’t HPME cancelled for fall 2021 start?

Yes it was cancelled. That was just a sample he posted.


Note: Please DO NOT use this thread for ANY DISCUSSION except to POST THE RESULTS & YOUR PERSPECTIVES/Reflections so that this thread is short and sweet for any future students / parents to review all posts to get a feel for what it takes to prepare and apply.

Any discussion is welcome at the other thread which gets created every year for any discussion. Here is the link for that.


I’d started a new thread for 2021 results without realizing there was already one. So, deleted that and posting here.

I’ve been around here on these forums (a lot last year) and not so much this year. Pardon my long post!

I came back to write about my experience from the last two admission cycles and I hope it will help the future BS/MD aspirants and their parents. While I’m not yet done for this cycle, I’ve been accepted to at least ONE program and hence this post.

GPA: 4.54 (W)

ACT: 35
Math 2: 800
Biology: 770

State: VA
Gender: F
Race: Asian (India)
Income: >150k
Class Rank: Top 5.1% aka not in the top 5% (lol)
AP’s: 11 (Usual suspects for the most part)


Teacher / Counselor Recommendations: I consider myself a good student. However, I’m a quiet one. So, not many teachers knew about me until my senior year until I had to tell them that I’ll be missing a lot of class to represent the US at the World Championships. My recommendations had already been sent at that point. I’m guessing they were good, but not great.

Medical ECs:

  • Volunteered at the VA hospital and two others: 450 hours
  • Physician shadowing: 150 hours
  • Summer Intern at an MRI Research Center: 150 hours

Other ECs:

  • National Champion (Short-track Speedskating)
  • Founded a non-profit volunteer organization that grew to have chapters in 5 states. We raised over $15,000 and our mission is to help local shelters.

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:
SLU - Accepted
Union/AMC - Interviewed, Wait-listed, Rejected
CWRU - Interviewed, Rejected
Upstate/RIT - Interviewed, Rejected
Sophie Davis - Interviewed, Rejected

UPitt - Rejected before an interview
NJIT/Rutgers - Rejected after being forwarded to NJMS
UConn - Rejected before an interview
BU - Rejected before an interview
VCU - Rejected before an interview
GW - Rejected before an interview
FAU - Rejected before an interview
Rochester REMS - Rejected before an interview
Rice/Baylor - Rejected before an interview
UAB - Rejected before an interview
Oklahoma - Rejected before an interview
Hofstra - Rejected before an interview

So, yeah! 2020 was disappointing to me even before the world knew about COVID-19. Unfortunately for me, each of the interviews became one of its kind in terms of format, with CWRU becoming a virtual one. I couldn’t adapt or change strategies and so, I’m thinking I may have sounded rehearsed for each of the interviews and not really a conversation.

The only best news from 2020 was that I was selected to the US team for both the Junior World Cup and the World Championships. In April, I was named to the Junior National Team. And, the best decision I made was to skate competitively for one more year and thus ended up with a gap year (even though most meets were canceled due to the pandemic.)


After graduating from high school, I started working part-time at a healthcare facility. I’m also training for my sport hoping that the pandemic would be over soon and will get to participate internationally.

Even though many of the BS/MD programs are advertised for high school seniors only or perceived to be, I learned that many didn’t mind me applying again (some did respond saying I wasn’t eligible).

Teacher / Counselor Recommendations: The key lesson learned was communication. My teachers knew me well this time around and I believe that they may have tailored their recommendations highlighting my uniqueness as a student (we all are unique, aren’t we?) as opposed to writing generic recommendations. Change #1

Medical ECs:

  • 20 hours/week at a healthcare facility (Part-time work) Change #2
  • EMT Trainee

Other ECs:

  • Named to the 2020 Junior National Team
  • Represented the US in 2020 Junior World Cup and 2020 World Championships Change #3
  • The non-profit added few more chapters. We raised about $10,000 more in 2020

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:

SLU - Accepted
VCU - Accepted
UConn - Accepted
Union/AMC - Interviewed * Waiting
Rochester REMS - Interviewed * Waiting
Brown - Waiting
Augusta - Waiting
Rice/Baylor - Waiting

CWRU - Rejected (Even though I was selected for the interview during the last cycle)
TCNJ/NJMS - Rejected before being forwarded to NJMS
BU - Rejected before an interview
FAU - Rejected before an interview
Hofstra - Rejected before an interview

While I’ve highlighted the changes from the last cycle, I think my personal growth stemmed from communicating with people (It was a big step forward for the shy me!.) I felt more comfortable in the interviews. As I shared my personal experiences with them, they became conversations rather than a Q and A session. MMIs or traditional, I don’t think the format mattered much. And so, my advice is to TALK to people. I give you Patch Adams - “Start your interviewing skills now. Start talking to strangers, talk to your friends, talk to wrong numbers, talk to everyone.”

CWRU proves that the admission process can be unreasonable at times. But, I can feel the pain of the admission committees too. I’ve read the profiles of students here on these threads. I simply wouldn’t know who to take and who to leave out. So, please empathize with them and apply wide. All you need is ONE right? (How many times have people said this!)

Rochester, VCU, or UConn never called me for an interview last year. The logical reasoning could be diversity -a gap year student with work experience or a student-athlete with international exposure.

Your guess is as good as mine for the universities below:

FAU/Hofstra - No interview invite for me both times.

TCNJ didn’t even bother to forward to NJMS this year

From candidates who got selected, I’ve noticed FAU and BU emphasizing National Merit Scholarship Finalist in their rubrics (I’m not one)

My class rank is also JUST outside the top 5% (academics are reasonably strong in my high school).

I’ve also seen the debate of to BS/MD or not. In my case, I want to be a primary care physician. My strengths work well with a focused path without having the stress points of another application. I look forward to enjoying my undergrad days doing things I love and at the same time aligning my activities towards primary care. I agree with some of the posters, MCAT or GPA shouldn’t worry anyone. I understand that there are many more tests and examinations in store for all of us on this path.

In 2020, I was also accepted to Michigan, UCLA, UVA, UNC, Rice, and Emory. I do have a similar list this year. Considering the context, I don’t think it matters much for the folks here.

In all, I sincerely thank all of you who post here regularly and the ones who share information. I hope my journey throws some light on the process. I still have not made my decision yet as I’m going to carefully weigh my options after I’ve heard from all the schools.


Congratulations @SpeedSkater on everything. Great job!

One correction though, NMF status has never been a factor in BU’s BA/MD selections. May be for awarding the scholarships done independently by the undergrad admissions but not for the program.


Congratulations @SpeedSkater. You have a good list of acceptances to choose from. Also thank you for writing such a sincere reflection on your experience of the whole process.

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Congrats @SpeedSkater

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@SpeedSkater …Well Done…any other acceptance have you received so far ??

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@veenu AMC acceptance came in today. Still waiting on interview results from UMKC and Rochester. Brown, Augusta, and Rice/Baylor are up in the air.


Posting it on BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants thread


Please keep the discussion on the discussions thread -

This thread is only for RESULTS+STATS+PERSPECTIVES.

@SpeedSkater well done …




GPA: 4.0 (UW), 4.654 (W)

Class Rank: NA; Class Size 300+

SAT/ACT: Test optional

AP’s (at time of application)
Human Geo: 5
Computer Science Principles: 5
Seminar: 5
Research: 5
Language and composition: 4
Biology: 3 (was done with the crappy online FRQs)
(I sent all my AP scores to colleges, even the dismal 3 in biology)

AP Calculus BC, Psychology, Literature and Composition, and German (currently taking this year);

Teacher / Counselor Recs: Not seen, but in my interview with Dr.Chambers he told me they are some of the best letters of recommendation he has ever seen :sweat_smile: My counselor and I are really close, and the other came from my research teacher (who really likes me as I’m my school’s only student to get a 5 in both AP Capstone courses) and my AP Bio teacher who also thought I was a good student.

Major ECs:
Varsity Track and Field Athlete: All Conference (3 years); Varsity letter (3 years); 9th,10th,11th grades

JV/Varsity Field Hockey Player: Varsity letter (1 year); Athletic Honor Roll; Elite 8; 9th,10th,11th grades

Varsity Cross Country Athlete: All Conference (1 year); Varsity letter (1 year); Varsity Newcomer of the Year; 11th grade

National Honor Society: Chapter President; 10th,11th,12th grades

Independent Research: Conducted independent research on personality and placebos; 11th grade

AP Research Mentor Cohort: Founder and coordinator; 12th grade

Dunkin’ Donuts Cashier: 11th grade

-Advanced Placement Capstone Diploma
-National German Exam Level 2 Silver Presidential Honor Roll
-Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction
-Mu Alpha Theta

Community Service:
Summer Freshman Academy Co-teacher: Helped to teach incoming freshmen with IEPs and 504s math and communication skills for High School; 11th grade

Medically related activities:
I have a rather unique situation. I have no shadowing or hospital volunteering, and haven’t had any opportunities to conduct research with a college or other institution. However, my mother is quite medically complicated and I am one of her caretakers. I also have two sisters on the autism spectrum and I have ADHD and Tourette’s disorder. My experience and interest in medicine is very personal and I detailed this in my application. So while I don’t have the traditional medicine related extracurriculars, I think my unique relationship with the field of medicine made me stand out.

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:
CWRU PPSP: rejected pre-interview
UIC GPPA: Accepted

I only applied to two programs, not out of a lack of interest in a BSMD, cause I am very interested, but out of the desire to put forth better applications. I felt that focusing my effort on two BSMD programs would allow for better applications, and I think it did, however, I do wish I had applied to more BSMD programs. I frankly wasn’t expecting to get into any BSMD programs, since I feel under qualified, therefore, I think my lack of faith in myself did hold me back from trying to apply for other programs.
All in all, I feel like a bit of a strange candidate and am quite shocked that I even got in, but elated none the less.

So as of today, I have committed to UIC GPPA. I hope this post helps any future candidates :grin:


Congratulations @jawacat. Well done. Wish you the very best for your future!

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Please keep this thread only for results, stats and perspectives.

All wishes, discussions, comments, - please post it on the discussion thread:

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