BS/MD Results - Fall 2021 cycle

Posting stats for my DD
4.0 GPA, 4.74 unweighted.

Class Rank: consistently in top 5% every semester per award given, but school does not rank

SAT: 1590 PSAT: 1520 (100%)

Subject SATs: Math: 800, Bio: 790, Chem: kept getting canceled, didn’t take

APs: 15 I think, standard ones, 12 5s, 3 4s

Ethnicity: ORM, no hooks, no favorable conditions

ECS: School initiatives, leadership roles in school and external clubs/organizations including journals and social activism. No Science Olympiad or such, no national level awards, but did extensive medical ECs since middle school that demonstrated a continued increase of interest and engagement in medicine.

Sports: Cheer at high school and dance since elementary school

Volunteering: extensive hospice activities since middle school, including non-profit leadership.

Essays: I read the common app essay and the main ones like Why BSMD, and she was very specific about medicine and her passions. I told her she would likely be rejected for fit at certain schools and she said that was better than finding out there wasn’t a fit after going there.

Recos: Likely very good cos she is well-liked by her school and teachers.

Applied to almost every single BSMD program out there that CA residents can apply to, along with many UCs, Stanford and USC

UGs: All UCs applied except Berkeley (waitlisted), USC. We didn’t rest track UG admissions to BSMDs
BSMDs: UConn (waitlisted), CNU, UCF, UMKC, W&J-Temple, Oklahoma University, Upstate, PSU-SKMC, BU SMED
Rejected: Brown PLME, pre-interview: Temple-Temple, Rowan-Cooper, Stonybrook, VCU, UAB, GW/GW, RPI/AMC, SBU/GW, CWRU, Pitt GAP, Hofstra, NJMS, Rice-Baylor, post-interview: FAU
DD Declined Interview: Drexel, U of Tulsa

DD started her application process in August as soon as school started. It would not have been possible for her to apply so widely without exceptional support from her high school and her counselor. We did not need to help her, hire external counselor, nor was my daughter flustered or stressed. She was so happy and on top of it that it was surreal, especially through CoVid.

She loved both PSU and BU, and if Oklahoma had come through in time, that would have been a strong contender too. She felt PSU community seemed less stressed but chose BU because it required a minor that she could pursue in her area of passion, had both UG and SOM in same area, and BU seniors made themselves readily available for help and advice. BU SMED!!