BS/MD Results - Fall 2021 cycle

Posting for my D:
GPA: 4.0 (UW) and 4.83 (W)

Class Rank: N/A at D’s school

ACT: 35

SAT: 1560

Subject Tests: 770 Bio M, 780 Chemistry, 780 Math II

National Merit Scholar

AP Exams at time of application:

5s on Government, Comp. Sci. Principles, US History, Statistics, BC Calculus, Psychology, English Literature

4 on Spanish

IB Exams at time of application:

6 on Psychology SL, 7 on Spanish SL

Teacher/Counselor Recs: very strong, D’s teachers liked her a lot

Gender: F

Race: ORM

Awards: various awards for both science projects and essay submissions

Major ECs: classical singing and dance, debate (captain in senior year), HOSA (leadership role in senior year)

Volunteering: local hospital and senior center work

Medically related activities: shadowing at a cardiovascular hospital in India, immunology research on an Armed Forces base, local physician/surgery shadowing

Mentoring/Teaching: started a peer mentorship program, tutored for SAT/ACT locally

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:

BU → Interviewed → ACCEPTED

FAU → Interviewed → ACCEPTED

RPI/AMC → Interviewed → ACCEPTED

VCU → Interviewed → ACCEPTED

TCNJ-NJMS → Interviewed → ACCEPTED

NJIT-NJMS → Interviewed → ACCEPTED

Rutgers-NJMS → Interviewed → ACCEPTED

Drexel → Interviewed → ACCEPTED


Sophie Davis → Interviewed → Waitlisted

Hofstra → Interviewed → Rejected BSMD

Temple-Temple → Interviewed → Rejected BSMD

Case Western → Rejected BSMD

GW-GW → Rejected BSMD

Penn State → Rejected BSMD

SBU-GW → Rejected BSMD

UPitt → Rejected BSMD

University of Oklahoma → Rejected BSMD

Upstate (through Purchase) → Rejected BSMD

REMS → Rejected BSMD

UAB → Rejected BSMD

Stony Brook → Rejected BSMD

Brown → Rejected PLME


Reflection from D:

This was definitely a really long, drawn-out process. Having worked hard for many years to set myself up to apply to these programs, the first rejections definitely stung. However, it ended up being exciting to get acceptances from schools! A few pieces of advice to anyone planning on applying to BS/MD programs:

  1. Set yourself up for success EARLY by working hard in classes and creating a good relationship with teachers/mentors. It goes a long way for recs and also just for personal engagement.
  2. When applying, choose a really broad range of schools, and don’t be afraid to apply to plenty of schools. I was really apprehensive going into this process, having applied to >20 schools total. Although it was quite difficult, more applications = more chances of success. Also, many essays could be easily repurposed.
  3. Start writing some key essays (eg. common app, why med, why this program) in the summer. It really helps, especially because many BS/MD deadlines are earlier.
  4. Stay organized. I created an expansive spreadsheet with requirements for each program, pending essays to write, and recommendations to request. Honestly, the hardest part of the process for me wasn’t writing so many essays - it was ensuring that each school received things that weren’t in my control (eg. transcripts, recommendations, SAT/ACT scores, etc.) This sounds like stupid advice, but it’s something I wish I had done earlier on.
  5. Don’t be afraid to show universities/programs that you have varied interests. For example, I talked about literature and the humanities in many of my interviews, because it’s something I am truly interested in. Also, make sure that you’re up to date with current healthcare topics (eg. insurance or barriers to obtaining care). Only talk about things you’re passionate about.
  6. Finally, don’t become obsessed with this forum. Although it definitely helped me out and there is definitely valuable advice and information to be shared while applying, steer clear of toxicity. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not enough, or that you’re not fit to be a doctor if you want a life beyond academics. Stick to the universities that best fit YOU and block out all the noise!