BSMD/BSDO Applicants Undergrad and Medical School experiences

Hi Everyone,

I am back as promised after 4 years as I had indicated in my post above. So My DD went to Stanford for her UG. She absolutely loved it there… she says that it is an experience that she will cherish throughout her life.

She stayed a Premed (:slight_smile: ) and really worked hard to pursue her this passion. The road I will not lie was lots of hard work, especially the first two years, as she had set the target to take her MCAT after the second year… so had to complete all of the science and difficult courses by then… The 3rd and 4th year were a breeze relatively speaking.

During her journey, she had full days of hard work… She pursued a number of Research efforts at her school and other research facilities. She also did a number of volunteering projects with various dimensions and scope all through her 4 years - So basically she kept herself occupied and challenged during the 4 years.

She applied to all of the T20 schools, the application process was very interesting with Covid and the virtual interviews…Maybe much more challenging than the BS/MD process as in my view. The kids were more well rounded, had more diverse and impressive backgrounds, and again Super credentials with many many applicants with one or two gap years…

Before I go to the part as to which school, she has committed, I will strongly reiterate that we were very happy with our decision of her not pursuing the BS/MD track, the journey was indeed tough with uncertainties and some sleepless nights. AND all of this before she was accepted to any of the schools.

During the last 4 years, I have firmed up in my view that BS/MD track is not for everyone…in fact it is only for a few, as I feel this is a trap by the schools to get great talent early, (sorry, I know this may upset some or many here), as it can short change a kids experience and opportunities that they may otherwise get pursuing the regular track… The fact that 90% or more of the kids interested in Medicine don’t even apply to the BS/MD track is a testimony to this… Believe me… the candidate pool to the MD programs is extraordinary talent, and extremely impressive and Very very diverse in backgrounds and Race. I visited almost 10 BS/MD school interviews for my DD, staying sometimes for couple of days in the schools, mingling with kids and parents, and while the Talent pool was very very impressive, it was certainly not as diverse or deep as we discovered during this regular admission cycle.

I know this may not be the popular view here, but that is not my objective, I am back here to give a glimpse into our journey and convey my views on what we saw of the regular track and what we feel of the BSMD track… If you see the potential in your child, please let them explore the opportunities through the regular track and the potential is endless… Also, the destination is Important, but the journey sometimes is even more…

Now to conclude, My DD was accepted into couple of T10 to T20 schools, and 4 T5 schools and has committed to pursue her MD degree at a T5 school.

I again thank everyone for all the great input, help that everyone provided during our pursuit of the BS/MD track 4 years back…