Chance me RD for top LACs (Pomona, Amherst) and top schools (Rice, Emory and more)

Just for confirmation, you’ve had several Bs but still have a 3.91 unweighted GPA? You may want to double-check that.

Either way, you have a lot of great aspects to your application. Did your school counselor include a note about the extenuating circumstances in your junior year? It would be a lot better coming from the counselor than from you. My comments about the other schools are going to be very similar to what I wrote when you were deliberating about EDing at Hopkins: Is it even worth EDing JHU and crapshooting with such poor academics? - #6 by AustenNut. With respect to the schools on your new list, odds are slim for all. See the RD admissions rates here. For small liberal arts schools like Amherst and Pomona, because their classes are much smaller, you will also need to have shown how you’re a great fit for the school. If they feel like you’re just throwing an app their way to see if you get in, it’s likely to be a pointless exercise for you.

A few questions:

  1. Would you be happy to attend TAMU or UTD? If so, fabulous, you’ve got two strong in-state options. If not, you need to find a safety that you would be happy to attend.

  2. Is your family still wanting you to take a loan from them to cover the cost of two years at the expensive schools? If you’re still interested in med school (and by your BSMD app to UAB, it looks like you are), then I would strongly advise against going to an expensive school and instead save the money for grad school.