College Search Themed Cocktails

My friend and I were joking that we should make some signature cocktails for the upcoming 11th grade parent potluck that were college search process themed. I’m guessing the CC parents could come up with some good suggestions on this! Best one we’ve got so far is a beer – The Information Saison. Add your ideas below!

Lots of good college specific drinks out there. What’s your state flagship? Might be fun to start there.

For Purdue there is the obvious boilermaker.

How about The Stressin Cocktail (it would just be a mix of high octane alcohol, with Bacardi 151).

Ole Miss Ole Fashioned, Florida Flojito, Howdy Highball

I can only think of ones for Senior parents so for next year…

Essay Zombie (1 ounce light rum. 1 ounce dark rum. 1 ounce orange curacao liqueur. 1/2 ounce lemon juice. 1/2 ounce lime juice. 1 1/2 ounces orange juice. 1 1/2 ounces passion fruit puree (or syrup) 1/4 ounce grenadine.)

Deferral Painkiller (2 ounces navy or dark rum. 4 ounces pineapple juice. 1 ounce cream of coconut. 1 ounce orange juice)

The Wake Me Up When It’s Over (triple Brandy Alexander served in a mason jar)

South Carolina Gamecocktail

Vassar was founded by a brewer – Vassar Ale or Beer

The “I’m About to Post a Chance Thread for My Kid” tequila shot.

The Rejection Redress - would definitely involve Baily’s Irish Cream

The Affordable Acceptance - high quality Champaign is the main ingredient

Safety Sangria

Can’t resist the gag, though it doesn’t reflect my views:

The Bennington Tuition: 3 oz. 1995 Dom Perignon; 1 oz. 21-yr-old Glenlivet; 24k gold flakes to taste, but at the very least a lot of them. Kool-Aid, any flavot. Muddle gold flakes with champagne and scotch in a Waterford goblet. Appreciate it. Hold it up to the light. Admire it. Toss it down the drain. Drink the Kool-Aid.

Bloody (William &) Mary

Harvey Muddbanger

Fuzzy Naval Academy

Mint Julliard

Brandeis Alexander

Long Island SA-Tea

Yale Pale Ale

Harvard Wallbanger

Screwed Striver

@techmom99 - Screwed Striver took me a minute but I think that’s now my favorite.

@CaMom13 -

Thanks. I was a BIG screwdriver imbiber in law school.

i can’t top any of these but just wanted to note my appreciation to these ideas! :slight_smile:

These are all AWESOME, thank you!! Have to give the win to @ChoatieMom – you nailed it X 4.

Each Ivy League school has a cocktail named after it—in some cases, more than one. Some of these date back to the 1890s.