Did you ever suggest your kids should seek degrees that would offer better paying jobs?

I dropped out of HBS at 31 when I realized what that MBA was really costing. As someone posted upthread, you have to figure in two years of foregone earnings plus the delta between what you were making going in to the program and what you were likely to make coming out. For me, the breakeven was likely to be about ten years. Nah. I left quickly and never looked back.

Our son just started a master’s program in CS at GT compliments of the Army. We would have been happy to pay for that (any major) but, again, the government is seeing to his education so no financial debt there, just time.

I posted here that he was awarded a commendation medal for a solution he developed that the government contractor they were working with said couldn’t be done. Three months later, Lockheed-Martin came after him with an offer north of $150K plus a buyout of his Army contract. He declined as he feels bound to his commitment and wants to finish his master’s. There has been 100% attrition of Cyber officers (a real problem for the Army) who have all been lured away after their commitments by very high civilian or military contractor offers, some as high as $300K.